Breakfast Date

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- The Next Day -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

Waking up was the one thing I was dreading....

So was the funeral...

Every moment I had with my brother just flashes constantly...

It's inevitable to avoid...

My story was true and tragic... but my brother also hated living up to every expectation set for him...

He knew how I felt when my family saw me more for my outlook than who I truly was...

He would often come to me late at night to vent to me. He would cry to me about how stressful it is...

I don't blame him... our parents are brutal... in their own way...

I laid away from Ethan, clutching the hotel pillows as I sat up slowly, and faced the window. It was raining. A gloomy day set the mood very well. But in its own way, the rain calmed the saddened soul within me until I was nothing but a numb cloud.

I looked over at where Ethan's spot on the bed was to see him sound asleep. The clock next to him on the nightstand read "7:19". The funeral starts at 12pm but Mark said we should be there an hour early.

I slid the covers off of my legs and stood to my feet. I felt just as dark and drained as the weather made me feel.

Ohio was known for many forests and rain. Crappy roads and small towns. Cities thrived and wildlife did too. It was a pretty sight to see. Somehow the rain bouncing off the leaves of the potted plants down a few floors was serene and soothing. My soul seemed to find inner peace and relax with the way the trees blew in the distance.

I searched for my suitcase and grabbed my black clothes. I was told black was the ideal colour for such as a funeral. Not that I have anything against wearing a color that matches my mood and the world as it is now.

I took the clothes into the bathroom. I set them on the toilet cover and grabbed a few towels. I undressed myself and turned the knobs for the shower.

I stepped inside and felt the hot water hit my skin. I hadn't felt any feelings until now. The way it burned slightly but still relaxed every tense muscle my body had.

My mind quickly diverted to the main reason why I'm back in my home town. My brother, Andrew.

Andy had always loved Mark. Mark meant a lot to him. Without Andrew, I wouldn't have met my second big brother. It sad to think I don't have a brother anymore related by blood.

Mark has been the only brother I've known from the time I've lived with him. Without him asking for me to move in, I don't know where I'd be right now. I wouldn't have my YouTube fame. I wouldn't have falling in love with Ethan. Maybe I would have, but never for who he was. I would've never even existed in this mindset and person I am today.

The depression and suicidal attempts would've taken over me. I'd be alone working a standard job with Adrian bowing up my phone or possibly in my life again. If that was the life I were to live... I would've been gone before Andrew.

Andrew gave me my dream life opportunities without either of us knowing it. Everything I've done, he's the cause. I need to dedicate everything to him. To my brother. I need to stay in this terrible, life depriving world just to succeed for him.

...its what he would've done...

Tears streamed down my eyes as I tried to remain strong. I can't cry. Not now. I can't let Ethan know. I can't let Andy down. I need to push through.

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