Wade's Wedding

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(Swipe for the song used for the slow dance near the end!)

- May 26th, 2018 -

- The Day of the Wedding -

I ran around my room frantically while Amy sat on my bed calmly. I grabbed my dress that was still in its bag. I was panicking. I woke up wayyyy too late.

"Y/N! Chill out!" Amy said trying to make things better. I looked back at her and she was in a black dress with blue flowers on it. The theme was blue so it fit.

"I have so much to worry about!" I said as I began slipping on my dress.

"What's bothering you?" She asked. I turned to her to zip me up and she did. I ran over to my dresser with my makeup on it and began packing it on my face.

"Well, for starters, I have a date! I haven't had a date to anything ever since Adrian! That was years ago! I don't know how to act! How to look! What if I don't look pretty enough?" I panicked.

"Wait, you have a date? Who?"

"Ethan! And you know how I feel about him!" I exclaimed before returning back to applying mascara.

"Ethan?! He asked you? That's great! Isn't this what you wanted?" She asked.

"I mean, yes, but.... I'm just nervous!"

"He asked you to be his date. That means he still wants to go with you. It'll be okay!" Amy came over to me and leaned over. She smiled at me in the mirror before pulling out her phone and taking a picture.

"See? We both look nice!" She commented.

I stared into the mirror as my breathing stilled. My dress was short and silky. It was an elegant black color but simple enough not to stand out too much.

"You're right. I just get like this sometimes." I chuckled.

"Don't sweat it. By the way, is Ethan picking you up?" Amy asked.

"Yeah. He said he'll be here at 11." I replied.

"Well it's 10:54 now, I would suggest waiting by the front door seeing that you're ready."

"Right!" I got up and hugged her tightly. "I'll see you and Mark there!"

- At the Wedding -

- 1 Hour Until Reception -

Ethan and I walked hand and hand along a path to the open reception. It was surrounded by the green nature and trees. The ideal wedding. We sat on a bench outside to wait for Mark and Amy. As Ethan and I began to relax a bit, I felt his arm inch around my shoulders. I flinched looking his way. He looked startled that I realized what he was doing.

"Sorry." He said pulling away.

"You're fine." I said before grabbing his arm and placing it back where it was. I leaned into him a bit.

"Have I told you that you look really nice?" He asked.

"Only about three times already!" I teased him.

"Well, you look great."

"Thank you."

"JUST DATE ALREADY!" A familiar voice yelled from a far. Ethan and I de-attached and searched for the person.

Soon, a man with brown hair wearing a blue suit approached Ethan and I. I stood to my feet in shock. Ethan seemed to as well.

"SEÁN!" I exclaimed running over to hug him. He held me in a tight embrace all-the-while rocking me back and forth.

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