Mark's Friends

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- Day 1: Pax East 2014 -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

My phone alarm rang loudly in my ear. I shot up out of my slumber and shut it off. I rubbed my eyes and looked over to the bed next to me. Empty. Where is Mark? My eyes then diverted to the window just past Mark's vacant bed. The sun had risen and the sky was a beautiful golden yellow. Birds flew past gracefully. It was quiet throughout the hotel. I couldn't hear a thing but my own thoughts.

In my bed, I sat rubbing my eyes. I tried to recall the events of last night. It was probably just all a big nightmare. I haven't been sleeping well lately anyhow, so it doesn't surprise me much. I slowly stood to my feet and looked around the room. Not in the bathroom. Huh? Where could he be? I then grabbed my phone and went to his contact. Maybe he will reply?


Me: Mark? Where are you?

Markibitch❤️: I went out to grab us pancakes from McDonald's. We have two hours until the creators need to be at Pax. But the events don't start until noon.

Me: Alright!

Markibitch❤️: I also got you some coffee too.

Me: Thank you!

Markibitch❤️: No problem! See you in a few!

Me: Be safe!

Feeling a sense of relief, I then went to my music app and hit shuffle before setting my phone on my bed. I picked out an outfit from my suitcase and went into the bathroom to change into it.

I decided to wear black ripped jeans, a white tee, and my own merch. It was a light grey, zip-up, jacket with my logo printed in white on it. I slid my arms through the sleeves and wore it without zipping it up. I swung the door open and gathered my straightener from my bag along with my makeup pouch.

I was determined to make myself look at least somewhat presentable today. I did my usual makeup routine and styled my hair the way I felt looked best on me. This trip is a really great pick-me-up! Who knew I'd feel such a sense of confidence within all of my nervousness.

I left the bathroom and picked up my black and white high top vans. I laced them up quickly. My phone binged with a notification as I was finishing up. I hurried, hopping on one leg since I hadn't fully tied my shoes, to my phone. I quickly read the notifications.


Markibitch❤️: Can you come and help me? I'm in the lobby.

Me: On my way!

I stuffed my phone in my back pocket along with the hotel keycard. I hurried to re-tie my shoe, rush out of the room and down the hallway. As I began to turn the corner, I ran into something that completely knocked me off of my feet.

"Woah!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my arm to stop me from falling back. I flinched, bracing for impact of my back to the floor. But...that..didn't happen...

Everything froze. I couldn't help but study his face. His hazel eyes made intensive contact with mine. His brown hair was flipped to the side. His arms were stronger than his thin body appeared to make it look like. He held onto me with a firm grip.

"I'm so sorry! I was in a rush. I guess I wasn't paying attention." I apologized. He pulled me up so I could regain my balance.

"It's not a problem. Are you alright?" He asked testing his hand on my other arm lightly.

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