The Party

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- Later That Day -

Later in the afternoon, Mark, Amy, Ethan, and I waited outside for the Uber we ordered to pick us up. It was time to head to the party that we all were invited to. I pulled out my phone and checked my social media as we waited. Mainly Twitter is what I was more interested in than anything. The app is really good for being caught up on the latest trending topics. I checked the recent hashtags and felt my heart fell deep into my chest. Oh no...

"#Y/Nthan" was number three trending on the whole surface of Twitter. Fans made a ship name for us! What? I am almost too afraid to see why it was there. I finally managed enough courage to click on it and lost my breath completely witnessing what was posted.

A picture of Ethan and I almost kissing was EVERYWHERE! This can't be happening. I studied the picture in disbelief that this was real. But it was. Ethan's hands resting on my head as he was only centimeters from my face. Wade's cheeky smile plastered all over his face in the back while Bob next to him looked to be dying of laughter. Seán and Tyler whispering to each other. And Mark standing up shouting. Lowkey could be a good clickbait photo.

I screenshotted the tweet just in case I needed it. The sound of an engine roaring nearby ringed through my ears. The Uber had arrived. I attempted to pull myself together before we got inside. Trying to look like nothing ever happened while inside I was panicking.

Mark got in the front seat while in the backseat was myself, Ethan in the middle, and Amy on the other side of him. It was a little packed back here. The turns the car took only made Ethan fall onto me more. Poor Amy had to deal with it too.

After a 20 minute drive, we made it to the house. Mark paid the driver while the three of us exited immediately. The car pulled away and the four of us were left standing in the yard of a dark grey and white house. We followed the sidewalk up to the door and knocked on it. A man opened it up and welcomed us in. Colorful lights stained the rooms. Music blasting in some of them. People already had drinks and were dancing around carelessly.

"Felix! Buddy!" Mark said running off with Amy to see a friend. Leaving me alone with Ethan.

"Sober buddy?" He asked me. I turned his way.

"That is still the dorkiest thing you've ever said." I told him with a small giggle. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." He held my shoulder.

"What's up?" I asked startled.

"Just.. holding on so we don't loose each other in the crowd." He replied.

"Oh.." I said quietly diverting my eyes from him.

"Want to go see if they have any non-alcoholic drinks?" I nodded. He removed his barn from my should and instead grabbed my hand, leading me to the kitchen. On an island counter sat cups of fruit punch. It seemed like our only option so we both grabbed one. With a clank of our plastic cups, Ethan and I chugged them down. They tasted tangier than what I expected them to be. I didn't think too much of it because it could totally be a different recipe than what I've had in the past. Maybe went a little overboard with lemon juice?

"You two!" Wade came over to us and pointed in our faces. It was a bit intimidating with his strict tone. Did we do something wrong?

"What's up?" I asked obviously confused.

"There's a game of Truth or Dare about to start in the living room with the group! You two are coming to play." He demanded.

"Do we even have a choice?" Ethan asked.

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