2: Orientation

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The three of us head out to a nearby café and Rosa said, "I'll line up for us, what would you guys like?"

"Ummm, I think I'll have the London Fog," Nathaniel said.

"Ooo, very British, a mixture of coffee and earl grey tea," Rosa teased and Nathaniel laughed and said, "Let me enjoy my Britishness."

Rosa laughed then turned to me and said, "How about you Alex?"

"Umm I'll have the roasted tomato and mozzarella panini and a cold brew," I said and Nathaniel butted in saying, "Scratch the cold brew Rosa, just get her bottled water."

"Well alright, you two go find us someplace to sit in, and make sure it's a couch," Rosa said as Nathaniel dragged me to a couch and sat me down.

I pouted and said, "Why'd you scratch out my cold brew?!"
"You had 4 cups of coffee this morning, that's not good for your heart," he said and I covered my face in embarrassment and said, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I forgot."

"Thanks for reminding me," I said as I slowly met his eyes and I was staring into those ocean blue eyes again. I snapped out of it so that he didn't think I was weird.

I resorted to pouting and he questioned me saying, "Why are you pouting?"

"I just really like having a cup of coffee with me, it's quite comforting," I said and he chuckled as he tapped his finger right above my heart and said, "You gotta take care of this, remember?"

I chuckled and nodded but I didn't realise I was still pouting until he said, "Quit pouting will ya? Or I'll kiss that pretty mouth of yours?"

Did I hear him right?

Did he just say he wanted to kiss me?

Oh god. So this is when the fight or flight reaction kicks in.

Epinephrine and non-epinephrine are released into the bloodstream when the adrenal medulla in the brain releases catecholamines.

This then triggers my heart to beat faster.

I feel it pumping away because I must be attracted to him.

Am I attracted to him?

"W-what did you say?," I said and he laughed and said, "I said that I'd kiss you if you won't stop pouting."

"Are you being serious?," I asked making him grin and say, "I'm just teasing, don't tell me you don't get how playful flirting works."

"Umm about that-," I said but I was cut off when Rosa came in with the drinks and food saying, "Here's your orders, panini and water for the lady and London Fog for the gentleman."

"Thank you very much," Nathaniel said and I nodded and said, "How much do we have to pay you?"

"Oh no need, this one's on me," she said as she took a seat on the couch then continued to say, "I have a gut feeling that we're going to be best buds."

"Or maybe more than friends seeing the chemistry between you two," Rosa said making me almost choke on my water.

I started coughing and Nathaniel patted me on the back and said, "You alright?"

I coughed one last time and said, "Yes, I'm alright."

"With regards to chemistry, or relationships in that matter, Alex may have hinted that she doesn't understand the basics of flirting," Nathaniel teased and Rosa's eyes widened and said, "Seriously? So does that mean you've never dated?"

"Well more like I've never partied, nor dated nor ever left my Harvard dorm room unless it was class or I needed food," I said and Rosa squinted her eyes at me as she said, "Give me a good reason why."

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