8: Transient

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"We have to transfer her to a room-," I said but Kellan shook his head and said, "No, Alex, we have to deliver the baby now or the baby will die."

I nodded but I looked at Kellan with panic and said, "I don't know how to deliver a baby."

"It's okay just be there for Sarah, I'll take care of it," Kellan says as he rushes to remove the patient's pants off and covers her legs with a blanket.

I then rush to grab Sarah's hand and then I said to her, "Sarah, we're going to have to deliver your baby but I need you to push."

She frantically shakes her head then says, "No no no no, I'm not ready, s-she's not due for a-another four weeks, I c-can't do this."

"Yes you can," I said with affirmation but she still shakes her head. I look to Kellan and he gives me a troubled look then says, "The baby's going to die Alex, she needs to push."

I nodded then turned my attention back to Sarah and said, "Sarah, you can do this."

Sarah just cries and shakes her head then says, "No, I can't, I'm not ready."

"Sarah look at me," I said with conviction making her look at me.

"Sarah your baby girl is going to die if you don't push now so I'm gonna need you to push," I said and she looks hesitant at first but she eventually nods and says, "Okay."

"Okay Sarah, on the count of three, 1, 2, 3," I said and Sarah screams as she pushes. She grips my hand tightly making me writhe in pain at the strength of her grip.

Focus Alex, she's already in enough pain, she doesn't need to see yours.

"You're doing great Sarah, but you need to keep on pushing," I said but she shook her head again as she cried in pain then said, "I can't do it, I can't do it."

"Yes you can Sarah, you are a fighter and I know you won't let anything bad happen to your baby," I said to assure her.

She nodded with determination as she gripped my hand tighter.

The emergency room was filled with the deafening screams Sarah made as she did her best to push.

Finally after what seemed like minutes of unending screams, I heard a small cry and it was from Sarah's baby.

Kellan held the small infant in his arms and called over some nurses to help him.

One of the nurses happened to be Lucas and he approached Sarah and asked, "Ma'am, who would you like to cut your baby's umbilical cord?"

She looked breathless as she continued to pant. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she knew her husband wasn't around. She did her best to breathe properly as she placed her other free hand on my hand that was holding her other hand.

She gave a small smile and said, "Doctor, will you do it?"

My eyes widened in shock at her words and I turned to Lucas who gave me a nod of approval. I looked at Sarah and said, "I would be glad to."

I went to the other nurse who was holding Sarah's baby. She handed me the scissors and I looked at Kellan who just mouthed to me, "You can do it."

I nodded as I cut the umbilical cord. The nurse wrapped the baby in a clean cloth and gave the baby to me. I slowly rocked the baby and brought her to Sarah.

"Sarah you did a good job, your baby girl looks healthy," I said and Sarah gave a weak smile as she weakly said, "T-that's g-good."

She weakly held onto her baby's small hand and gave a small smile as her eyes started to flutter close.

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