32| Care to Dance?

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1 week later: Day Off

"Woah isn't she moving fast, I thought you guys were friends and now you're moving in together," Kaelyn pointed out and I sighed and said, "For the last time, he needed a roommate and I needed to move out of my trashy apartment."

"Uhuh, keep telling yourself that," Rosa chimed in as she carried a box out the door.
Rosa then gestured for me to look behind her and there I saw Lucas and Holden chatting.

"You have got to be lying if you say you haven't thought about kissing that pretty man," she said and I found myself staring at Holden again while Rosa and Kaelyn were talking about him in the background.

"I mean look at the guy, he's probably ripped under that shirt," Rosa pointed out and Kaelyn hummed, "Mhmm, he's not really my type but I can't deny that he is extremely easy on the eyes."

I found Kaelyn's comment the perfect time to swerve the topic and when I saw her staring at Lucas I knew what I had to say.
"So what is your type Kaelyn?," I asked and it was clear that she wasn't paying attention since she just said, "Hmm?"

"Is it boys with dark hair and glasses and have an affinity for movies?," I asked and she clearly was still distracted when she said, "Mhmmm."

"So you like Lucas?," Rosa joined in to tease and Kaelyn said, "Mhm- What? No! What could possibly make you think that I like him."

"I don't know, maybe because you've been staring at him," I teased making Rosa giggle at Kaelyn's frazzled state.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said as she decided to help me pack then said, "Can we just get back to packing?"

"Ok fine," I said.

After a few hours of packing, I was ready to move in to Holden's apartment. We were moving my things, which weren't a lot, using Kaelyn's car that she failed to mention she had.

"I still can't believe you haven't mentioned to us that you had a car," Rosa said to Kaelyn as she closed the trunk.

"This would have come real handy back when we were stalking Avery and Nathaniel," Rosa added but Kaelyn waved her hand to dismiss her saying, "My car was at the back parking lot, getting there would have taken time and we wouldn't have been able to follow them."

"Oh wow I can't believe you guys actually did that," I said and Kaelyn shrugged then said, "I see drama, I follow it."

"You know what, she's got a point," Rosa replied as Kaelyn got in the front seat while the rest of us piled at the back.

When we all got in, I felt myself blush as Holden's shoulders brushed against mine.

Seriously Alexandria? That's just a shoulder.

To distract myself, I decided to ask Kaelyn, "How were you able to afford an SUV?"

Kaelyn started the car then said, "It's my dad's old car."

"Ah, makes sense," Rosa said, "Hey Lucas can you just move to the front seat, It's kind of a tight fit here."

"I don't think Kaelyn-," he said but I decided to tease Kaelyn by saying, "I'm sure Kaelyn won't mind."

"Of course I do-," she said but I cut her off by saying, "Unless there's a reason she would."

I could see Kaelyn roll her eyes through the rear view mirror as she groaned then said, "Cohen get up here so that Alex and Rosa can shut up before I gag them."

Lucas immediately got out of the backseat and moved to the front seat and as soon as he sat there, I could see Kaelyn visibly tense up.

Holden seemed to catch up to what was happening since he whispered, "I see you're playing matchmaker here, what happened to cynical, love is a chemical reaction Alexandria?"

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