37| Trial

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1 week later

"I see that you've improved Dr. Huang, it's good to see you performing admirably again," Dr. Hudson said as she perused through the patient charts she was about to give me. She handed them to me and said, "I'll page you when I need you, but you can go visit Mr. Sterling."

I felt a warm feeling course through my body at the idea. I smiled and said, "Thank you Dr. Hudson, I'll make it quick, I just need to give him something." She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't take too long or other doctors here might think I'm playing favourites with my interns."

"Of course Dr. Hudson, it won't be long," I said. I immediately made my way to Holden's room and when I got there, I made sure to get his attention by knocking on the doorway. "Hey there!"

He smiled as he saw me walking through the doorway and said, "Hey, how's my favourite doctor?." I grinned and said, "Good, how about you? You enjoying breakfast?"

He looked down at his tray of food and miserably laughed then said, "Hardly, No matter how hard I try to give these sad excuse for waffles the benefit of the doubt, the cardboard taste just isn't sitting well with me and don't even get me started with the frozen berries they barely thawed out and put on top of this."
I laughed and showed him the bag I was holding the whole time.

His brows furrowed as he said, "I could've sworn you weren't holding anything when you came in." I teased him by saying, "Was my beautiful face distracting?" He smirked and said, "Oh you have no idea."

I felt myself blush and look away. He laughed and said, "You're cute when you get flustered." I playfully swatted his shoulder then said, "Enough of that, now do you want real food or not?"

His eyes widened as he immediately rummaged through the bag and pulled out a plastic container. He opened it and smiled at the sight. "You cooked for me," he said as he smelled the aroma of the home cooked omelette and fried rice that I whipped up for him. I smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about this tasting like cardboard, us Asians take our seasoning very seriously."

He took a bite of the food and he moaned at the taste. "No, just no, if you ever make that preposterous sound again, I won't bring you home made breakfast anymore," I said making him roll his eyes.

"Can't you see this is my way of appreciating the food," he said as he took another bite and smiled at the taste. "What do you want me to do," he said in between chews, the food muffling his voice, "Break into a Gordon Ramsay character and just say this is absolutely delicious, you young lady have a bright future in the culinary industry!"

"You know what, just eat," I said making him laugh. He turned on the TV and put on another one of those romantic comedies on. I laughed at the fact that he always had a new one to watch every time I came to visit. He noticed me laughing so he asked, "Why are you laughing? you should be used to do this by now."

"It's just fascinating how you always have a new movie to watch, I thought you'd have like that one favourite movie that you would put on repeat," I commented and he shrugged and said, "I just want to see other films, that way I have more movies to choose from."

"But I assume you'd have a favourite one so far right?," I asked and he nodded then said, "Isn't it already obvious, My Bestfriend's Wedding is my favourite."

"It's the only romantic comedy that has a sad yet realistic ending and it has an open ending," he pointed out as if alluding to his own life having a sad, realistic ending. I placed my hand on his and said, "Holden...."

"Hey, I said none of that sad stuff," he said and I looked at the time through my phone and sighed. "I have to go to work, Dr. Hudson was kind enough to permit me some time with you," I said and his eyes showed a hint of sadness but they quickly went away. He squeezed my hand that was holding his as he said, "I'll be fine Alex, I'll see you later............But it wouldn't hurt if you gave me a kiss before you leave."

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