23| Defuse

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The next day 7:00 pm

Finally my regular shift is over.

I got my things from my locker and was ready to leave but Rosa came in and said, "Hey, look who's not passed out asleep."

"Har har Rosa, I get it, I literally dropped like a sack of potatoes after my 48 hour shift," I said and she grinned.

"That is an understatement, you literally fell asleep and turned into a truck," she teased, "Your snores were loud.....real loud."

"Seriously?! I don't even snore on a normal basis," I said and she sighed and said, "I wish I was lying."

"Well......now I'm going to get some proper rest," I said as I was heading out of the locker room.

"Wait no!," Rosa said frantically as she rushed to block the door from me.

"What? Is there a problem?," I asked, genuinely concerned at the fact that she looked like a deer in headlights.

"Uhhhh.....n-no, there's a biohazard! We have to stay here!," she unsurely said.

"You're being ridiculous Rosa, they wouldn't just bring in a biohazard without informing everyone ," I said and I searched her eyes but she did her best to look away from me.

She launched towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders and said, "Wait, but I have to ask you about your opinions on what dress I should order from this site-."

"Rosa you can text me that later, I really need to go home, I'm tired," I said as I pushed her away with restraint as to not hurt her but at least get her away from the door.

I was finally out of the locker room but Rosa continued to follow me. Saying random things to get me to stay a little longer but nothing is stopping me from going home to my bed.

I was briskly walking through the halls but I came to an abrupt stop when I saw Nathaniel.............with the same girl in the picture.

"I-," I tried to say anything but I couldn't. I'm supposed to be fine.

I'm supposed to be okay but seeing them just.......it hits different.

Rosa placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you."

I did my best to put on a good smile and said, "It's okay."

"If you want me to go with y-," she said but I cut her off and said, "I'll be fine Rosa, Lucas might be looking for you."

She searched my eyes and worry was etched all over her face. I gave her a reassuring nod and she walked away hesitantly.

I turned my attention back to them watched as the stunning woman cupped Nathaniel's cheeks and kissed him softly on the lips.

I can't even go an ask why Nathaniel would leave me for someone else because she was gorgeous.

Everything about her was perfect.

Her posture was perfect, even her body was perfect.

The way she dressed was perfect like she stepped out of a Nancy Drew book.

I did my best to casually walk past them but Nathaniel just had to look my way.

Damn you Nathaniel!

He didn't even do his best to restrain his shocked expression as he said, "Huang....."

This obviously made the woman turn immediately to where he was looking and......

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