7: Penny for your Thoughts

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*trigger warning: death/ loss of loved one*

I woke up to the blaring sound of my phone alarm. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and saw that it was 5 am.

Ahhh so I had like around 5 hours of sleep.


I walked to the kitchen in my pyjamas to cook myself some breakfast. Along the way I saw a Dr. Wright still passed out on my couch.

I poke him but he just groans.

Oh well, he can sleep. I don't wanna be dealing with him anyways.

I walked to my kitchen which was barely even a few steps from the couch and I went straight to the mini fridge.

I opened and looked for things I could cook with. I immediately grab the eggs and what's left of the frozen bacon I bought 3 days ago.

I turn on the stove and grabbed a pan from the cabinet and placed it on the heat. I grab the cooking oil from the pantry and I just waited for the pan to heat up then I put the oil.

Everything seemed so usual that I didn't even notice that I was putting in the last batch of bacon.
I was peacefully frying the last of the batch when suddenly I heard a low guttural shout coming from the couch.

The sound made me flinch and accidentally touch the hot side of the pan making me scream in pain.
I immediately turned the heat off as I writhe in pain from the burn on my palm.

I walked out of the kitchen only to see a very confused Dr. Wright.

"Did you seriously have to scream?," I said as he looked at me and screamed again.

I covered his mouth and said, "SHUT UP! GEEZ! It's like 5:30 in the morning."

He removed my grip on his mouth then he says, "Y-you and I-I... D-did... w-we."

"Oh god no! I am not about to lose my v-," I said but stopped myself in my tracks and said, "I mean, you and me definitely did not do ANYTHING last night."

"Then why am I in different clothes?," he asked and I sighed and said, "You really don't remember do you?"

He shook his head and said, "These clothes are a far cry from the Armani get up I had at the nightclub."

I sigh again and said, "Let's talk it over breakfast."
I motion him over to the small dinner table I as I gathered the eggs and bacon from the kitchen and placed them on the table.

I got two other plates for us to eat on and also brought along glasses then a pitcher of water.

I poured him a glass of water and said, "Drink."

He immediately downs the glass of water then says, "Thank god, my throat felt like the Sahara desert."

"I'm surprised you haven't complained nor belittled me from the time you woke up," I said as I took a piece of bacon and chewed on it.

He hesitated to say anything at first but after he takes a bite of the scrambled eggs I made he then took a deep breath then exhaled.

"How could I? You must've saved me from whatever foolishness I was doing last night and I thank you for that," he said.

He then looked at his surroundings and turned his attention back to me and said, "I wouldn't complain either about your living situation because I was once an intern too."

He takes a piece of bacon then says, "But I would still like to know what happened last night."

I filled him in on everything and he looked bewildered as he said, "Oh god, I can't believe I went and ordered drinks without even bringing a wallet."

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