6: Tipsy

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We finally got in the club after almost an hour of trying to convince the security guard that I was 28 years old and that was my ID.

As soon as we got in, Kellan shouted through the music saying, "Damn Alex, you were talking up a storm there."

"Can you blame her?," Rosa shouted as she squished my cheeks then continued to say, "Having a baby face is a blessing and a curse."

"As they all say, Asian don't raisin," I humoured through the loud music and Nathaniel chuckled and said, "That's simply unfair, you'll probably look the same even in your 50s."

"Enough about my face guys, let's go look for a place we can sit in and let's order some drinks," I shouted again so that they could hear me.

We all scanned the nightclub's surroundings and found the perfect place. An empty velvet couch with a table right in front of it. We rushed to the couch and immediately flopped ourselves onto it.

Rosa then waved a waiter to our table and ordered sets of tequila shots. When the shots finally arrived, I was about to take one but Rosa swatted my hand away.

"Nuh Uh," she said, "We're going to play a little game called never have I ever, and if you've done whatever the person said then you take a shot."

She then equally divided 6 shots for each one of us and said, "The one with the most shots left, wins."

We all nodded and Rosa said, "Ok let's start with resident British boy Nathaniel!"

"Alright," he said as he contemplated on what he was going to say.

Eventually he finally said, "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping."

I watched as only Savannah took a shot and her eyes looked bewildered when she realised no one else took a shot.

"I'm curious as to why you did that?," Kellan asked and Savannah simply said, "It was a dare."

"Alright, Lucas it's your turn," Rosa said and Lucas started thinking about what he was going to say.

He then mischievously smiles and says, "Never have I ever bragged about something I have not done."

I watch as Rosa, Nathaniel and Kellan take a shot.

"Alright you three, spill, starting with Rosa," I said and Rosa smiles and says, "Well.... I was young and naive sooo...."

"Just get to it already," Savannah said as she nudged Rosa.

"Ok ok fineeee, so I had a huge crush on this guy back in high school and I heard from my friends that he really liked a girl who was adventurous," she explained and I laughed then said, "I see where this is going."

"So basically I bragged to everyone in my class that I went skydiving and all those extreme stuff the summer before and let's just say it eventually blew out of proportion," Rosa said.

I pointed at Nathaniel and said, "Your turn."

He sighed and said, "Well, during one of the family gatherings we had, this including cousins and aunts and such."

"Go on," Lucas said clearly invested in the game.

"Well my cousins were extremely talented and I didn't want to embarrass my parents so I bragged about being really good at singing," he said as he looked embarrassed of what he was going to say next.

"Well, they asked me to sing and I could barely carry out a tune and it caused an even greater embarrassment," he said and Rosa burst out laughing.

She then said, "I can just imagine Nathaniel retreat after singing one line."

I then turned to Kellan and said, "Your turn cowboy."

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