31| Tension

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1 week later

Lunch Break

"You look like you're in a good mood," Rosa said as I grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria for lunch.

"What makes you think that?," I said as I sat down at the lunch table where everyone else was waiting for us.

Rosa's smile turned into a mischievous grin as she said, "Guys, Alex wants to know why we think she's in a good mood."

"Hmm I'll start it off," Kaelyn said as she lifted a finger to point at my hair, "You have always been putting your hair in a messy bun or ponytail."

"Somehow, even with the demanding hours of being a medical intern, you were willing to put your hair down and curl them into a wavy style," she explained further.

I shrugged and said, "What if I just wanted to switch it up."

Kaelyn rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, live in denial."

Kellan then cleared his throat and said, "How about the fact that you've been diagnosing one patient to another like an unstoppable freight train, you're on a roll."

"Maybe because I'm just doing my job and diagnosing my patients accurately is a must," I said and Lucas laughed and said, "She's got a point there."

Savannah then decided to throw in her own reason saying, "Okay, so how about the fact that after you're done for the day, you're all dressed up, makeup done and that whole shebang."

"When did you even start saying shebang?," Lucas asked and Kaelyn rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you see that Dr. Cowboy over here is rubbing off on her."

"Guys that's not the point," Rosa interrupted, "Besides the fact that she's all done up after her shift, she's also being whisked away by a handsome stranger that she hasn't even bothered to tell us."

Kaelyn grinned and said, "Of course she won't have time to tell us, she's busy getting whisked away by the stranger."

"So are you gonna tell us who it is now?," Lucas remarked, "Cause we've been seeing him around and we can't just keep calling him handsome stranger."

I sighed and said, "Ok fine, his name is Holden."

"Oh my gosh! I'm so proud of you, you're getting yourself a new man!," Rosa exclaimed but I waved my hand to dismiss her and said, "No no, it's nothing like that, Holden's just a really good friend and he's been helping in cheering me up."

"Wow, if you're not gonna take him, well then I'm going to, I need a tall glass of that," Rosa exclaimed and I playfully punched her for it.

"Hey, don't say that in front of Lucas," I teased making both Rosa and Lucas awkwardly look at each other.

"Umm am I missing something here?," I asked and Savannah sighed and said, "These two decided to split ways."

"Wait what? I could've sworn you guys were like all over each other just a couple weeks ago," I said and Lucas decided to speak up first.

"It's not that I don't like Rosa anymore it's just that I had a crush on her and hadn't realised yet that we're just not compatible," Lucas shyly said.

Kaelyn looked surprised at the news but instead of teasing Lucas like she usually does, she instead sat in silence, waiting for Rosa to say something.

"What he meant by that is Lucas is a homebody while I'd rather go out and enjoy the night life," Rosa explained and I nodded then asked, "But you guys are still friends right?"

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