5: Mistakes

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I screamed at the top of my lungs, "CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE!"

My screaming was to no avail.

Oh my, Alex you massive idiot!

I immediately pressed the code blue button and moments after the code team arrived to resuscitate Delilah.

I rushed to Delilah to give her CPR but only to no avail. They decided to intubate her so that she can have an easier time breathing.

I paged Kellan to come back immediately then I turned my attention to the heart rate monitor.

I watched the heart rate monitor and saw that the Delilah's heart still had no proper rhythm. They prepared the AED to shock her as I watched everything unfold.

I can't believe it.

It's my first day and I might be the reason this girl dies.

I nervously bit my fingers as I watched them give her the first shock.

Nothing happened.

I cursed under my breath.

This can not be happening. I can't believe it, she might die.

They increased the voltage and shocked her a second time and finally her heart has a steady rhythm.

I sighed in relief as I watched the code team stabilise her then leave. Before I could asses her I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Kellan panting then said, "What the hell happened?"

I sighed as I covered my face with my hands. trying my best not to cry. I eventually removed my hands and explained to Kellan, "I was just checking in on Delilah and was making small talk when suddenly she flatlined."

I couldn't help but cry as I looked down, not wanting to see Kellan's reaction.
He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Hey look at me."

I hesitantly looked at him and he said, "Breathe... Just breathe Alex."

I nodded as I took a deep breath and exhaled. He smiled and said, "That's better, now Dr. Huang, let's assess our patient, shall we?"

I looked at Delilah and I looked back at Kellan and nodded. I then proceeded to assess her state.

Slightly swollen lips.

She also has some hives and some skin rashes.

I opened her mouth and decided to check her tongue.

Tongue is also swollen.

"My god, she's allergic to prednisone I gave her, this is all my fault, I should have never prescribed that," I said as I buried my face in my palms again.

Kellan removed my hands from my face and said, "Hey, stop being so damn hard on yourself, we were both assigned to her and we both decided to prescribe prednisone."

"Breathe Alex, what's important is that she's still alive, now, what do we do now since she's allergic to prednisone?," Kellan asked.

I looked at him and said, "Switch to budesonide."

"Good thinking Alex," He said, "I'll keep an eye on her and you can change her prescription at the nurse's station."

I nodded and on my way out I stopped in my tracks when I saw Dr. Wright standing outside the room.

It seemed like he'd been observing us.

Ugh.... just when I thought my day couldn't have been worse.

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