9: Resolute

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I walked out of Dr. Wright's office feeling a little better.
Before I could decide where to go, I suddenly felt my pager vibrate from my pocket as it let out a tiny beep.

I looked and saw that Dr. Hudson has paged me to the nursery.

I immediately made my way back to atrium to look at the directory. On my way there I see Nathaniel heading the opposite direction.

His eyes widened when he finally noticed my presence and he immediately walked up to me and stopped me from walking.

"Thank heavens I finally found you, it's already lunch time and you didn't arrive, I asked Kellan where you were and he said you kind of just left after-," he said but I cut him off by putting a finger on his lips.

"Well yes, I walked away because I needed to clear my head after Umm," I said struggling to relive the memories of Sarah dying.

He removed my finger from his lips and he held my hand then squeezed it saying, "You don't need to explain, Kellan told me everything."

I nodded and I suddenly felt hunger stricken as I clutched my grumbling stomach.

"I knew you'd be hungry so I stole a tuna sandwich from the cafeteria," he says as he hands me a carefully wrapped sandwich.

He gives a shy smile and I immediately give him a smile back saying, "You are an angel Nathaniel, truly, I cannot thank you enough."

I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek, overwhelmed by the happiness I felt to be given food. His cheeks turned red and I chuckled at the sight.

"But, Nathaniel, I have to go, Dr. Hudson paged me to the nursery," I said and his smile fades as he says, "I guess we'll chat another time, you still need to tell me about what happened last night."

I hurriedly unwrapped my sandwich and took a big bite as I thought about what Nathaniel said.

"Hmmm, since you so kindly saved me from starvation, how about we eat at my favourite place here in LA," I offered and a smirk formed on his lips.

"Are you asking me on a date Huang?," he teased and I shook my head then said, "We are eating there as friends."

"Ahhhh, I'll pretend I didn't hear that second part, I'm assuming we're going after our shift?," he asked and I nodded.

"Yup, catch ya later Cardinal," I said as I made my way to the directory to check where the location of the nursery was.

I quickly scan my eyes through the directory and when I found what I needed, I head straight to the hallway that would lead me to the nursery.

When I arrived, I saw Dr. Hudson patiently waiting for me.

"I am so sorry Dr. Hudson, I just really needed to grab something to eat and I-," I said to explain myself but she cut me off by saying, "No need to explain yourself Dr. Huang."

"Having something to eat is important and I don't want any of our staff to collapse amidst work," she says as she turns her body to face me.

"Now, I called you here to show you this," she said as she approached me and pointed at a baby through the glass.

"Is that-," I said but Dr. Hudson finishes my sentence for me saying, "Your patient, Sarah Beckett's daughter."

"I-I'm sorry Dr. Hudson, I know I could've saved Sarah-," I said but she cut me off again saying, "As a colleague of mine once said, we control what we can control Dr. Huang."

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