39| First Hearing

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The past few weeks have been hectic

"Based on the urine sample, it can be seen that the urine is bloody and strong-smelling," I said as I looked to Kaelyn for approval and she nods, "You, Ms. Mills, have also described that you have been experiencing nausea, muscle aches and abdominal pains which are all signs of a urinary tract infection."

"Luckily, based on our cystoscopy, it's just a simple infection," I explained, "So we will be prescribing you with Cephalexin, given that you are not allergic to this drug, and the infection should go away in a few days."
Kaelyn nodded and gave me a thumbs up to show that the decision was right.

Every diagnose I made was closely monitored by Kaelyn and it didn't help that Dr. Kahele would come in from time to time to berate me for absolutely no reason.

"Hmmmm, it seems that you're still useful and perform admirably," Dr. Kahele said, "Maybe it's because I paired you with Dr. Miles who is an exceptional doctor."

"Dr. Kahele, with all due respect, Dr. Huang performs admirably without my help-," Kaelyn tried to reason but Dr. Kahele cuts her with a sharp remark saying, "Oh no need to be modest Dr. Miles, and you, Dr. Huang, pick up the slack."

She hands me a stack of patient charts and Kaelyn just sighs and says, "There's really no use is there?"

I shook my head and said, "Let's just get back to work."

From difficult patients....

"You?! You are my doctor?," the middle aged man said as his stomach grumbled like a bunch of gas was trapped inside it. "How does someone as you as you get to be a doctor? I swear anyone living in this generation can get a medical degree nowadays."

I decided to ignore his snide remarks and proceeded to try and check what's wrong with his upset stomach but he smacked my hand away. He said, "What do you think you're doing?! You think I'm just gonna let you poke and prod me?! You're probably just someone trying to pose as a doctor! Get me a real doctor here!"

To long shifts.....

"Kaelyn you can take a break, I'm supposed to be the one suffering anyways," I said as I checked the time and saw that I still had 10 hours left from my 30 hour shift.

"Heck no, we're going through this together and besides, I really wanna help you wipe that smug look off of Dr. Kahele's face," she reasoned making me grin and say, "Strangely enough, the idea of wiping the smug look off of her face gives me more boost than an energy drink."

"Nothing beats the adrenaline you get when you imagine yourself vanquishing your enemy," Kaelyn joked making me raise my brow in amusement then say, "Never thought I'd see the day where surly Kaelyn Miles would start talking like a storybook narrator."

"I'm lacking sleep and on my fourth espresso, my sanity is hanging by a thread," she commented making me laugh then say, "Then we should get back to work before you start going Princess Polly on me."

And countless emergencies.....

"Alright, Dr. Huang, Dr. Miles, this is your very first triage so you better listen carefully, there are a lot who need our care but we need to know those who need to be prioritised," Dr. Hudson said as she handed Kaelyn and I red, yellow, green, white and black tags.

"Red tags are used for those who need immediate treatment and won't survive without it but still have a chance of survival," Dr. Hudson explains, "Yellow tags are for those who just require observation since they're in stable condition for the moment and are not in immediate danger of dying."

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