20| Homebound

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The next day

Alexandria's POV

"Ma, Pa, I promise I'll visit when I can," I said as I gave them one last hug. I looked at my luggage and I was all packed for my flight in the afternoon.

"We'll also visit you when we have time," my dad said. He quickly wiped away a tear and maintained his resolve.

My mom didn't hold back her tears as she released me from the hug and said, "Take care out there, and make us proud."

"Always Ma," I said as I kissed her in the cheek and gave the both of them one last hug.

I gathered my luggage and I was about to call over a taxi when my dad stopped me and said, "Wait I'll drive."

"But dad, you have to go to work," I said but he shook his head and said, "I didn't get to see you the last time you left, I'll go, your mom will handle it."

I nodded as we both head to his car. He helped me put in the luggage at the trunk and then we got in and drove off into the Manila traffic.

Along the way my dad asked me, "So how is your intern year so far at North Haven?"

"Well for starters, I got shot during a robbery of our Cancer Charity Ball," I said and his eyes widened and said, "Seriously?! I won't believe you until you show me!"

I pulled up my shirt to reveal to him the scar on the side of my abdomen. He slammed the brakes in shock but thankfully the stop light signalled red so we wouldn't be met with angry drivers.

"Alexandria! Who told you to go and be a hero?! If you had died I would have never seen you again!," he shouted but I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "But I'm here dad."

"My goodness! Imagine if your mom saw that, she'll never let you leave the Philippines," He said and I laughed and said, "Why do you think I'm just telling you this now?"

He sighed and said, "You have to be safe out there okay?"

I sighed and said, "But dad didn't you used to tell me that a brave man regards death as going home."

"Yes but that is for when you are old Alex!," he said as he stepped on the gas pedal when the traffic light turned green.

"Even though that was crazy, your probably saved a lot of lives huh?," he said and I nodded and said, "I intended to save one but I saved much more than what I banked for."

He smiled and said, "So besides that, how about the rest of your intern year so far?"

"Well....umm..... it's been hard..... I couldn't save all my patients and I'm afraid I can't be the best doctor if I even let one patient die," I said and he fixed his eyes on the road contemplating what to say.

He finally said, "Alex, you must understand that we can't save everyone and I know that even if we understand that, the guilt still hangs over our head."

"But, a man who can not tolerate small misfortunes can never accomplish great things," he said in a sincere tone, "Yes there will be set backs but do not let them hold you back from your great potential, use it as a stepping stone to improve."

"Pain is part of the journey and you can't rush these things because a journey of a thousand miles-," he said.

But I finished for him saying, "begins with a single step."

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