38| Moments in Between

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I left Dr. Kahele's office slamming the door shut. I winced with the strain I put on my arm and I felt the blood slowly going down it. To my surprise, I heard someone clear their throat. I looked to where the sound came from, there I saw Damien leaning against the wall.

I looked at him, eyes narrowed. He shrugged making me say, "Were you there this whole time?" He gave a thin smile and said, "I was just worried, Leilani can be a bit....."

"Crazy?," I said making him laugh then say, "That's an understatement." I smiled and said, "I can definitely agre-." I hissed as I felt the sting of pain in my arm against. Damien raised his brow then said, "Are you going to be stubborn or are you finally going to take up my offer on treating that?" I wanted to argue but I knew I couldn't just treat myself. Even the lightest hit of the open air made my wounds hurt.

I reluctantly nodded then said, "Okay." He then started walking ahead of me as he said, "Follow me, we're going to my office."

I trailed behind him as he briskly made his way to his office. It felt like it was just yesterday when he was taking me to his office to give me a pep talk. The strong spicy scent of his perfume tickled my nose making me forget my pain for a moment. That was until he stopped to open his office door. He gestured me to come in then he led me to a chair as he watched me sit down on it. "Dr. Wright, I'm not that fragile," I said but I winced again right after that making him smirk.

"Not fragile but still definitely need my help," he pointed out as he went straight to his cabinet and pulled out a large first aid kit. I noticed that, he also had similar ones stashed behind the one he took. I then asked, "So you just happen to have a specific compartment with a dozen first aid kits?" He raised his brow as if I asked him a nonsensical question. "Did you really just ask me, a doctor, why he'd have a stash of first aid kits in his personal office, did you also hit your head?," he teased and I just shrugged.

He noticed my lack of reaction so he asked, "What did Leilani talk about?" I looked in his eyes and I just wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him how alone and lost I've felt despite Holden trying to assure me he's still there. He is still there but he'll be gone soon. I wanted to be selfish and just lean on his shoulder, have him support me but it's too much to ask of him.

I would be lying if I said that the last night I visited his apartment hadn't crossed my mind. In fact, I lied when I said it was all water under the bridge with what he said. I felt conflicted. I wanted to keep him at arm's length but somehow pushing him away isn't doing me any good. "Alexandria," he softly said as he proceeded to treat my arm. I winced, every now and then as he removed a piece of ceramic with his tweezers. "You can talk to me, you know that right?," he said again softly.

I knew I couldn't escape him. I could always lie but lying doesn't really take you to the best places. "I.....I'm under probation again," I softly said as I struggled to speak whilst enduring the pain of the wound.

"What?! I swear if she's putting you under probation for something silly again-," he said as he accidentally poked me with the tweezers making me say, "Ow! Watch it!"

"Sorry," he said making me frustratingly sigh, "Look Damie-, I mean, Dr. Wright, she actually put me on probation again because there's a reason to."
Damien raised his brow in confusion then said, "What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything wrong, if you're wondering." He cocked his already raised brow even higher as he said, "That still doesn't answer my question Alexandria."

I felt a tinge of annoyance with his attitude but then yet again, he had a point. "I got in a fight with a police officer," I said making him accidentally poke me with the tweezers again. "What?!," he said as I simultaneously said, "Hey watch it! I swear if you poke me one more time, I'm gonna treat it myself."

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