19 | Troubled waters

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Alexandria's POV

I wouldn't say I wasn't a bit concerned by what Rosa told me but I trusted Nathaniel.

Even if we did fight before I got here, he didn't show me any reason for me not to trust him right?

I sighed and texted Rosa back.

Alex: She's probably just a friend

Rosa: I hope so, I'm gonna keep an eye on him

Alex: Rosa that's terrible, he's going to hate me even more because I'm having people spy on him

Rosa: Although this would most benefit you, I'm doing this for personal reasons

Alex: Personal reasons?

Rosa: Curiosity, I'm genuinely just curious

Alex: Ok, but don't get in trouble Rosa

Rosa: gosh, you sound like a mom.

I put my phone back in my pocket and I turned my attention back to my parents and said, "Sorry, got a text from work."

"Ah, Alex, I know we didn't end things with a good note," my mom said apologetically but I touched her hand and said, "It's okay, I know you guys were just looking out for me."

"I didn't understand what you wanted Alex, we thought that handing you the business would be good for you," my dad said, and it was the first time I've heard his voice this low and sad.

"I miss going out to get jollibee with you," my dad said as he looked at me with glossy eyes, "You grew up so fast, I didn't realise you were slipping through my fingers already."

I couldn't hold back the tears as I rushed to my dad and gave him a bear hug. It wasn't everyday that I saw my dad crying waterfalls. It's a miracle he was even opening up about what he felt.

After hugging him, I went back to my chair and my mom asked, "So, where do you work now?"

"Oh I started my intern year in North Haven hospital, I moved to LA after graduating Harvard," I said and she looked at me sadly and said, "I can't believe I missed your graduation because I badly wanted you to take over the business."

"Ma, it's okay, It was also my fault for not reaching out to the two of you," I said and my dad shook his head and said, "You wouldn't have left in the first place if we supported you."

"How long will you be here?," my mom asked and I said, "Well, I'm only here for 2 days."

My dad smiled and said, "Well, let's make the most of those two days."

"What? But the business-," I said but my dad shook his head and said, "I will be cancelling those meetings, it's not everyday that your daughter comes home after almost a decade."

I smiled.

It was like a weight was taken off my shoulders. I was in front of my parents and I felt so loved and so accepted.

At this point, I would have tried to explain my emotions through science but I was just caught up in the moment.

Nathaniel's POV

"Oh those Fish and Chips were fantastic but not as good as the-," she said and I sighed and said, "Not as good as the fish and chips from that bar near the hospital where Amelia died."

"Oh Nathaniel, I'm so sorry," she said and I shook my head and said, "Don't be."

She placed her hand on top of mine and said, "Nathaniel, I know it's been hard on you, I know you miss her."

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