Finale| With Every Heartbeat

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Final Hearing

I sat there awaiting the arrival of the board members. My chest swelled with joy as I saw my friends giving me a thumbs up in the audience to encourage me. Damien, who sat in another part of the audience gave me an approving nod.

I felt even better when I saw Dr. Kahele on her own seat looking disheveled and messy for the first time in her life. The once poised looking chief of the hospital has bags under her eyes and her hair looked frizzy as if she hadn't been taking care of it.

The moment she noticed me staring at her she glared daggers through me but I merely laughed at the display. Nothing she can do can affect me now. In fact, she couldn't do anything and I couldn't wait to hear the board members' decision.

As if on cue, the doors to the room opened revealing the board members who wore stoic faces as they entered. They all took their seats except for Dr. Connors. He took the microphone from the microphone stand and  he cleared his throat making the whole audience grow silent.

He looked at me for a moment as if to observe my behaviour so I straightened my back and gave him a nod to go on. He finally spoke, "I know all of you are here to await the decision regarding Dr. Huang's case but a string of events has changed our decision."

"Dr. Leilani Kahele, please rise and take Dr. Huang's place," he said and the audience broke into murmurs. Dr. Kahele glared at me as I left my seat and crossed paths with her to take hers.

Along the way I whispered to her, "How does it feel to be in my place?" She didn't have time to react as I walked faster to take my seat.

I smirked as she finally sat where I sat. It felt good to see her there. It felt good to see justice getting served.

Dr. Connors then continued to say, "It has been  brought to the board's attention that Dr. Kahele has been committing numerous acts to sabotage Dr. Huang's career that breaks the code of ethics."

"Dr. Leilani Kahele you have been accused of putting Dr. Alexandria Huang under unnecessary probation right after the events of the derailing of the metro rail, do you deny it?," Dr. Connors sternly said and the audience broke into whispers as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Dr. Kahele looked defeated knowing that lying would get her nowhere so she said, "No."

"You have also been accused of failing to protect your medical staff from aggressive civilians despite your presence in the situation, do you deny it?," he asked sternly again  and Dr. Kahele shook her head then said, "No."

I took a moment to take a look at Damien and he gave me a smile then gestured me to turn my attention back to Dr. Connors.

"You have also been accused of framing Dr. Huang for breaking the code of ethics under personal reasons, do you deny it?," Dr. Connors continued to say and Dr. Kahele's once confident posture sunk as she said, "No...Dr. Connors."

"The accused has not denied all the allegations made against her and over the past few days the board has come to a decision," Dr. Connors said as he looked at the rest of the board members who gave him a nod to proceed.

"Dr. Leilani Kahele, you will be stripped of your position as Chief of the Hospital and you will also be stripped of your medical license which will be effective......immediately," Dr. Connors concluded and the whole audience gasped.

Dr. Kahele shot up from her seat and said, "You can't do this to me! I am one of the best neurosurgeons in this country! You need me!"

"I'm afraid we don't Leilani, anyone can learn what you do," Dr. Connors sternly replies, "You should have thought about that before deciding to become a saboteur."

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