33| Secrets

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The next month passed by like a blur.

A blur of happiness that I haven't felt in so long. Work was going great and Dr. Kahele seemed to have finally gotten off my back, at least for now.

Damien. I still see him but barely. What Dr. Kahele did pushed me away from him and my workload only made it worse.

The highlight of the past month was Holden. He understood me and he cared for me and he waited for me. He stuck to his promise in helping me live a little. Tonight was just supposed to be like any night where we went on an adventure but this time it was going to be different. I was finally going to tell him how I felt.

My shift had already come to an end. I was all dressed up, out of my scrubs, and ready for this "date" that Holden said he was taking me on. I already gathered my things and was heading out the locker room when I bumped into Rosa and Savannah.

"Well look at you, all dressed up, where are you going?," Rosa teased making Savannah laugh and say, "We already know where she's going."

Rosa then fiddled with my hair, hopefully trying to fix any stray hairs as she said, "I still cannot believe you told him to wait when you said you kissed him at the wedding reception."

"Oh hush Rosa, Alex was just trying not to rush, she just got out of a quote and quote relationship with Nathaniel and she wanted a clear headspace," Savannah pointed out as she swatted Rosa's hands away to gesture her to stop fiddling with my hair.

Rosa sighed and took my hands and enveloped it with hers. She gave them a reassuring squeeze and said, "He's a good one, he's good for you Alex and I think tonight would be a perfect time to tell him how you feel."

I nodded in agreement and said, "I was thinking the same thing." Savannah broke into a huge grin and pulled me into a tight hug then said, "That's so good to hear Alex, you deserve to be happy and he's been making you happy."
Savannah releases me from the hug and Rosa then gives me an encouraging smile and says, "Go get him."

I smile at the thought and I started walking from the locker room to the lobby, hoping to find a seat while I wait for Holden.

Damien's POV

The past month was heavy. Not because of work because work has always been heavy but because of a young doctor I can't get out of my head.

I was so angry at Leilani.

How could she do this?! What she did just drove Alexandria even farther from me.

So far that I had to watch her get whisked
away by someone else every after shift.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't care. I watched her get all dressed up every time her shift ends only to be escorted by a young man. I desperately wished it was me but with complications at work, reaching her seemed impossible.

I would usually be going down by now to go to my car and drive back home but I decided to stay behind and sort any files that I felt needed sorting. I just couldn't bear to see her leave again with that man.

The memory of her standing in the doorway of my apartment was etched in my mind.

Dammit Damien! Of course she's gonna be with someone else, can't you remember the look on her face when you couldn't choose her over your career?!

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I hated that she was right. We both valued our careers too much to let anything get in its way. To pass some time, I decided to peruse patient files assigned to me.

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