28| Aftermath

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Alexandria's POV

I felt my heart pounding with every step I took in the hospital hallways. I've walked through these halls countless times but every step I took now felt heavy.

I'm not usually scared of other people but knowing who Dr. Kahele is, I'm scared of what she's going to do because I know what she's capable of.

I was too focused on how nervous I was that I was completely oblivious that someone was walking with me this whole time. That was the case until I heard someone say, "Is that Dr. Cardinal and Dr. Huang walking together? Didn't they have a big argument last night?"

I looked down and saw a pair of feet to my left walking beside me. I looked up and turned my head towards Nathaniel so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash.

"What do you think you're doing? We're not even in speaking terms," I said but he continued to walk beside me and said, "You're the one who spoke first so I'm afraid we are on speaking terms."

Saying I was irritated would be an understatement but I still wanted to know why he was walking beside me. "Why are you following me then?," I asked and he shrugged and said, "I'm not following you, we're both headed the same direction, Dr. Kahele's office."

"What?," I said and he just shrugged again and said, "I'm as confused as you are, she asked me to accompany you to her office."

"Ugh, I think I know what this is about," I said as I finally realised why she wanted to see both of us.

"It's about our fight last night," I said and he gave an apologetic look at first but his face became neutral again as he said, "It wasn't a fight, it was me finally getting what I deserved."

"Nathaniel look I don't hate you, I just hate what you did," I said as I pressed the button to get us an elevator, only for me to see that it was gonna be a long wait till it arrived.

The halls were far from being quiet as the bustle of patients and medical staff went on but I tuned them out. I found myself biting my lip as I watched the elevator number go down.

Did I really mean that? You don't hate him Alexandria?
Maybe I don't......

I absentmindedly cracked my knuckles as I waited for the elevator but it seemed like looking at the numbers only made it move slower.

Why can't he just say something? Isn't he going to react to the fact that I said I didn't hate him?

"Alexandria, I don't know what to say," he finally said and honestly, I expected him to be just quiet so this was a development.

"Look, okay, take my word before I change my mind," I said as I continued to stare at the number on the elevator.

Why won't it go down faster?! I just need to get this over with. Why did I have to open my mouth and say that to him?! It's already bad enough that I have to dread what Dr. Kahele has to say to, apparently, both of us.

Finally I heard the distinct bell of the elevator finally arriving and it opened to reveal no one was there.

We both stepped in and I waited for anyone else to do the same.

Please don't let it just be the two of us.

Please don't let it just be the two of us.

Please don't let it just be the two of us.

To my dismay, I watched as the elevator doors slowly close leaving only me and Nathaniel with this awkward silence.

By some miracle, he spoke up, "Alex, I really want to talk but I feel like the time is far too short, do you maybe wanna grab some....umm...dinner after work and talk about it?"

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