12: Get a Grip

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Dr. Nathaniel Cardinal POV

I was cowering behind a catering table as I saw the men smash through the glass of the atrium.

Bloody Hell, just when I was about to get my third serving of that delicious raspberry trifle.

Honestly, if anyone comes between me and my food again, I will not hesitate to be violent.

I stayed behind the catering table and was about to go and look for Alex when I saw that those who tried to escape were shot down.

F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck

Besides the fact that I need to make sure Alex is safe, the fact that she's probably in Dr. Wright's arms is infuriating.

I can't move because of these damned robbers. Does this place even have security?! Like seriously?! What are the security guards doing?!

All I could hear were the men shouting and suddenly I heard the shuffling of steps.

The shuffling turned to loud steps, like a woman running in heels and suddenly there was a gun shot then a loud thud.

"Alexandria!," a low guttural shout resounded through the atrium.

No no no no no no no.

I don't usually pray but God, please let Alex be safe. Please.

My prayers weren't exactly answered, I still didn't know if Alex was safe but at least the police arrived.

Took them long enough. Out of all the places these thieves could have robbed from, they had to rob the one that was trying to raise money for good causes.

Once the men were finally dealt with, I got up from the catering table only to find Dr. Wright in the middle of the dance floor clutching Alex while other doctors were tending to the injured.

I quickly ran to Dr. Wright and when he caught sight of me he gave a sigh of relief and said, "Thank god, Cardinal, come here."

I was confused as to why he was dreading for someone to help him and when I got closer I finally understood. He was putting pressure on a wound at Alex's side.

The blood was already staining her dress and had already made a huge patch.

I glowered at Dr. Wright and said, "What did you do?"

"I was trying to make sure those men didn't get the money but she saw that I was about to make a huge mistake and took a bullet for me," he said, frantic, knowing he was really at fault.

"You bastard! How could you?! You knew she was keeping an eye on you!," I said about to throw a punch at Dr. Wright but someone held me back.

I looked behind me and it was Savannah. She squeezed my shoulder and said, "Nathaniel, punching Dr. Wright won't reverse what's been done, we need to take her to the OR now!"

I nodded and Dr. Wright nodded having heard the conversation. He got up from the floor and lifted Alex's thin frame with ease. Savannah immediately found a stretcher.

Dr. Wright continued to put pressure on the wound as he placed Alex on the stretcher. All three of us rushed to the nearest operating room.

As soon as we got there I looked at both Savannah and Dr. Wright and said, "You two are coming with me, scrub in."

They both nodded and scrubbed in along with me. We were finally in the operating room and Savannah had to cut apart Alex's dress.

They connected her to a heart rate monitor and an anaesthesiologist was called on to give her anaesthetics.

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