21| Fallout

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Alexandria's POV

The plane landed and it was 8:00 pm in the evening. I claimed my luggage and I head out to the arrival area where my friends were waiting for me.

I would've felt so happy to see them but now I felt a mix of emotions. The text that Rosa sent me just put me in a tough situation.

I met Rosa's eyes when I walked up to them and she could tell that I was doing my best to avoid Nathaniel's gaze. The rest of them helped me with my luggage while Nathaniel walked up to me.

I felt so many emotions.

I want to strangle the life out of him AHHHHHH!


I feel like crying! Ughhhhh! And he's acting like nothing's happened with that stupid smile on his face!

"Hey Alex, how was your trip?," he said as he leaned in for a kiss but I jerked away and said, "What happened to being mad at me because of my last minute trip?"

A hint of frustration appeared on his face but he quickly put that away and said, "Can't I just kiss my girlfriend that I miss so much?"

He leans in for another kiss but I avoid it and say, "Sorry Nathaniel, I'm not in the mood."

"What? But-," He said but thankfully Rosa cut in and said, "Stop bugging her Nathaniel, she's probably really hungry after that long flight hence the mood."

"Ah, makes sense," he said as he decided to walk with the rest of the group while Rosa and I lagged behind.

She pulled me into a one armed hug as we walked and said, "Are you okay?"

I sighed and said, "Doing my best to be, I, just don't know how to process anything yet."

"I can't blame you, he is the first guy you dated," she said and I just nodded not knowing what to say.
Rosa and I caught up with the group and we agreed to eat at a place.

We first dropped off my things at the apartment then went to my favourite restaurant but the whole time I was just spacing out.

I didn't realise I wasn't even touching my food until I felt everyone staring at me. I looked back at all of them and said, "Is there something on my face?."

Kellan raised his eyebrow in confusion and said, "Did everything go well with your parents?"

Rosa didn't tell the rest of them.

"Yes, it was nice meeting them," I said as enthusiastically as I can.

"But Alex, you haven't touched your food, steamed dumplings are your favourite," Savannah pointed out but at this point I didn't know what to say.

I just stared at my food and played with them using my chopsticks.

So many thoughts were rambling on inside my head. My parents. Nathaniel. The dreaded 48 hour shift I was going back to.

I should be elated because I had a good visit with my parents but things with Nathaniel just ruined the mood.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise people were calling out my name until a hand clasped my shoulder and it was Nathaniel.

He looked at me, eyes filled with concern as he cupped my cheek and asked, "Alex, are you okay?"

I pushed his hand away and said, "I need some air."

I quickly got out of the restaurant and felt the cool breeze of the night hit my skin. For once, I genuinely didn't know what to do.

I was feeling so many emotions at the same time that I just want to lash out but cry at the same time.

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