15 | Ethics

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I woke up to the feeling of someone wrapping their arms around me.

It was at first a blur until my eyes finally had clear vision after a few blinks and that's when I saw Nathaniel's face.

He was a peaceful sleeper.

Huh, pretty good to have someone who doesn't snore.

Although, I can't say the same for myself. It must've taken him a lot to fall asleep with my snoring.

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and looked at the time.


It's 6:15 am


I immediately flung Nathaniel's arms off of me making him groan as he tried to put himself in a more comfortable position to continue sleeping.

I immediately grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen drawers and threw in all the garbage from last night.

I tied up the bag and threw it aside then I turned my attention to Nathaniel.

Focus on him later Alexandria, you need to take a shower to remove the stench of onion and cheese off of you.

I quickly grabbed my towel and made my way to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower. Roughly putting on shampoo and rinsing my hair as fast as possible.
Scrubbed my body but I made sure to avoid getting my wound wet then washed my face and afterwards, I brushed my teeth.

I quickly got out of the bathroom only to bump right into Nathaniel making me land on the floor with a thud.

Then I realised that he was on top of me and the only thing separating my bare body from him is a towel.

Good god! He's so heavy.

"Oh, Umm, well, did not think this would happen," Nathaniel said as he refused to stand up. I pushed him off saying, "Get off of me Cardinal, we're gonna be late for work it's like 6:30 am."

"Bloody Hell! Do you have any extra scrubs that would fit me?," he asked and I shook my head and said, "Just take a shower and wear whatever you're wearing, there's scrubs in North Haven anyways."

He nodded and I grabbed another towel and threw it at him, "Make it quick Nathaniel or I'm leaving without you."

"Won't be a problem, I always finish quick," he said proudly and I choked back a laugh.

He realised what he said then said, "That sounded way better in my head."

He proceeds to go in the bathroom and start showering. I hurriedly dried my hair as much as I could with my towel.

I quickly put on my underwear but the quick movements caused me to feel a pang of pain here and there because of my wound.

I immediately grabbed my scrubs and put them on and just when I was finished making my face look half decent, Nathaniel was already done changing and was waiting for me.

As soon as I was done, I grabbed my wallet, my keys and my phone as well as some packed clothes and we ran out of my apartment, took the elevator and went out of the building.

Nathaniel tried hailing a cab but I stopped him and said, "We won't make it with this LA traffic, we gotta go on foot."

I started sprinting across the sidewalk but Nathaniel was lagging behind as he bumped into every passerby causing a mild commotion among people.

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