42| Revoke

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"Alexandria it's all right if you take the rest of the week off-," Dr. Hudson said as she handed me my charts but I cut her off, "Dr. Hudson, I can still work, I'm not physically incapable."

"Well of course you're not but you might be-," she reasoned again but I cut her off again, "Look Dr. Hudson, with all due respect, my final hearing is in a few days and odds are not in my favour, so please......let me do my job while I can still do it."

Dr. Hudson sighed and just waved at me to dismiss me to do my work as she walked away. Knowing I was still under probation, I stayed put and waited for Kaelyn. Since I had nothing to do at the moment, I decided to read over the charts that were given to me thinking no one would bother me. I thought wrong.

I heard the clicking of heels grow louder and louder and I could only think of one person those heels would belong to. "Hmmm, I'm surprised that you're brave enough to show your face around here," Dr. Kahele said as I looked up from the charts I was reading.

"May I remind you Dr. Kahele that I still work here," I retorted so she scoffed, "Not for long, so enjoy it while it lasts, you'll be saying goodbye to your medical career in a matter of days."

"Why are you even doing this?!," I said out of pent up frustration, "You know I'm a good doctor, is it really just because of Damien?"

I didn't care if I was being rude to her, I might as well make the most of the time I have left in these hospital halls so I said, "I don't know how this still hasn't gone through that thick skull of yours considering how much you like to meddle with my personal life but the man that I am interested in is now currently buried six feet underground."

Dr. Kahele simply smirked then said, "You know I wished for a chain of bad events to happen to you, it's just a shame that he had to be one of them."

"Now you listen to me you conniving bit-," I said as I took a step forward to shove her but I felt a hand on my shoulder making me stop. I looked and saw Damien who looked at Dr. Kahele sternly. "Leilani, don't you think you have more important things to do than to stand around talking to an intern," he said.

Despite the fact that she was probably fuming inside, she plastered on a fake smile then said, "Of course, I'll see you later at the Airport Marriott tonight for the conference, I'd love to catch up with a few drinks." She gives him a coy smile and subtly brushes her fingers on his shoulder. She saunters away, heels clicking and hips moving almost exaggeratedly.

"Why couldn't you just let me tell her how much of a pain in the ass she is," I complained as he finally let go of my shoulder. "Do you even hear yourself, are you just giving up? Can't you see she was goading you on so you can make your case worse in front of the board members," he pointed out but I just shrugged.

"I don't know if you haven't noticed yet Damien but it's more likely for me to lose my license than for me to actually keep it," I retorted, "Unless by some miracle, she just spills out all her secrets and gets herself fired."

Damien freezes and for a genuine moment, I thought I broke him until he said, "You're right!"

"I'm right?," I said, confused at the fact that he was probably agreeing with me when I said my career is over. "We have to find a way to get her to admit what she's been doing to you to the board members."

"Do you even hear yourself? I highly doubt she'll just spill her guts during my hearing, she's too smart for that," I reasoned and he shook his head then said, "You haven't even heard of my plan yet."

"And what makes you think that I'll even consider hearing it, I don't need to get in more trouble Damien," I said as I started to walk away but then I heard another voice call my name, "Alexandria Huang, get back here."

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