27| Intentions

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I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. Hearing it was basically routine at this point and my normal reaction would be groaning in discomfort. Due to the fact that I'd probably didn't get enough sleep because of reading countless textbooks as soon as I got home.

I heard the alarm, that's for sure, but somehow I just got out of bed peacefully and reached for my phone and turned it off. Today felt different, I felt calmer than usual. Serene, if that's how you would describe it.

I felt a spring in my step as I hastily showered and got ready for another day at work. I didn't dread it this time, I didn't feel like hauling myself just to have the willpower to get back to work and I knew why.

I never thought I'd have the metaphorical balls to actually stand up to Nathaniel like that. I usually think a lot and end up just saying a few words but I really gave it to him last night.

I looked at the time and saw that I still had an hour to spare before my shift started.

Hmmm, seems like a good day to stop by a nice café and get some good breakfast.

I packed my things and was about to leave my apartment when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I immediately took it from my pocket and checked to see what notification I got. To my surprise, I got a text from our group chat.

Lucas: Heyaaaaaa! Guys let's eat breakfast together, I found this super nice beachside café with Rosa

Rosa: YuP! Come join us! 🥳

Kaelyn: What kind of psychos have a good mood in the morning

Savannah: For once, I'm agreeing with Kaelyn

Kellan: Eh, it's always a hit or miss

Alexandria: Wait, is Nathaniel in this group chat?

Kellan: Oh, no need to worry about that, I kicked him out way back when he pissed me off

Alexandria: You mean when you and him decided to rough it out in hospital grounds because of something about me

Kellan: How'd you know about that?!

Rosa: OOoooKaAaayy, sooo, how about breakfast at the beachside café?

Kaelyn: I'll go, I can't cook anyways

Lucas: Woah woah woah! The Great Kaelyn can grill a person with words but can't actually grill?!

Kaelyn: Watch it Cohen, I can always pretend to be your buddy and poison your drink

Lucas: Nahh you won't do it hehe

Kaelyn: Try me

Savannah: Anyways......Rosa can you send the address, I'll meet you guys there

Rosa: YuP sending address.......

I read the address and decided to head off to the beachside café Rosa and Lucas were talking about. I took a cab to get there and along the way I got a text from Holden.

Holden: Hey there how's your morning going now that you've put Nathaniel in his place

Alexandria: A little better

Holden: You're lying

Alexandria: Ok maybe I feel like I can conquer the world

Holden: Anyways I texted you cause I have a proposal

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