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"Ughhhh, I'm gonna miss doing nothing," I said as Rosa helped me gather the last of my things from my hospital room.

"I mean I get you, especially when two hot men are fighting to take care of you," Rosa teased and I rolled my eyes and said, "It was kind of them to want to take care of me but if they expect anything romantic back, they're going to be disappointed."

"Ahhh, why are you always so closed off about anything romantic," Rosa said and I sighed and said, "Because I'm used to it, I was once married to schoolwork and now I'm going to marry my job."

"That sounds so depressing," Rosa said as she gave me my bag and before I could say anything, I heard someone clear their throat and there I saw Kaelyn.

She looked like she was hesitant to get in the room so I said, "Kaelyn, I mean, Dr. Miles, you can come in."

She gave a half smile and stepped in then said from a distance, "I'm really sorry if I accused you before of being fake and even accusing you of getting an upper hand because of Dr. Wright."

"I....umm... that's good to know," I said as I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Kaelyn, even if Dr. Wright and I were somehow a thing, I would never use that to help me rise up to ranks," I said and she just looked down and sighed.

"Look, I know you don't know me but I'll have you know that I simply believe that when a victory is earned without hard work, it's just not worth it," I said and she looked up and tried to smile but it honestly just looked creepy.

She then pulled me into a tight hug making me squirm in pain and said, "Oww, Kaelyn, I still have a wound you know."

She immediately released me from the hug and said, "I am so sorry, I....umm... I just wanted to say thank you for looking out for me even if I've been such a b*tch."

"Well, that's putting it lightly," I humoured and she laughed and said, "I guess I deserved that."

"Actually, I really wanted to make it up to you," she said as she helped me with my bags then said, "I'll take you out for lunch."

"Oh...umm.. I already had pla-," I said but Rosa walked up to me and squeezed me in the shoulder.

"She'll go," Rosa said then Kaelyn nodded and said, "I'll be waiting at the atrium Alexandria."

I nodded and she left and I looked at Rosa then said, "What was that for?!"

"Seriously, go to lunch with her, this way you don't have to deal with angry ginger in the hospital anymore, she'll be nice to you," Rosa suggested.

"But I thought-," I said but she shook his head and said, "You have to go, and it would really be great if you got her to apologise to Lucas too."

I nodded and said, "Okay." Rosa smiles then says, "Ok, I have to get back to my rounds, good luck out there."

I smiled and gave Rosa one last hug and said, "Thank you for always making sure I didn't feel lonely in this room."

"Awww, Alex, no one deserves to be lonely, even villains have companions," she suggested and I laughed and said, "You are one of a kind Rosalie Santos."

She releases from the hug and waves goodbye. I sigh and take the rest of the bags Kaelyn didn't bring with her and I made my way to the atrium.

Along the way I bumped into Kellan who was drowning in patient charts. He tumbles making all the charts fly everywhere. I quickly helped him up and gathered the stuff.

I looked at Kellan with concern and said, "Kellan why do you have so many charts."

I looked at the charts and saw that they were supposed to be assigned to me.

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