25| Day Off

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After a week more of work, I finally got a day off and thankfully Holden agreed to go with me on this excursion.

Even if I don't really know what he's planning since I did ask him to help me "live a little."

I stood outside of my apartment, feeling trickles of sweat starting to form as I endured the LA heat without an umbrella.

Thankfully I saw Holden bounding over towards me with a wide grin on his face.

"So, you finally decided to actually leave your room and use your first day off for something fun," he teased and I rolled my eyes and said, "Ha ha, make fun of the fact that I'm boring."

"You're not boring, your lifestyle is just....," he said as he contemplated what to say next, "an acquired taste."

"Just stop, I get it, I basically missed out on a lot of things," I said and he gave an apologetic look and said, "But that changes now!"

"Why didn't you ask your doctor friends to go on this live a little trip," he said and I immediately answered, "We don't have the same day offs, and you also have experience in travelling so you might have something up your sleeve."

"Of course I do, spontaneous and adventurous are my two middle names," he said as he broke into a huge grin.

"Oh no, I don't like that look on your face," I said and he shrugged and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, I do have a few questions though."

"Ask away but can we please find something to help me survive this heat," I said and he raised his brow and said, "Okay, but obviously we need a ride for my idea."

"Oh perfect! We can always take a cab and that means there's airconditon-," I said but he cut me off saying, "We're taking my bike."

"As in bicycle?," I asked and he chuckled and said, "Nope, what I meant is my motorbike."

He pointed to a large motorcycle parked at the other side of the street.

"Holden that looks like a hazard on its own," I commented and he said, "Oh please, you're just being chicken."

"Chicken?! As a doctor I'd much rather be doing the stitches than the one getting them," I said and he looked me in the eyes and said, "Do you really think I'd allow you to get hurt?"

I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I looked away and said, "I s-suppose not."

"Besides, I know how to drive it anyways, nothing to worry about," he said as he slinked his arm around mine to drag me towards our ride.

Along the way I complained saying, "You do realise that motorcycle accidents make up 15% of traffic deaths."

He just shrugged and said, "We're not going to be in that 15%."

He eventually sat on the bike and put on his helmet then handed one to me and I put it on.

"What are you waiting for?," he said and I hesitated.

"You said you wanted to live a little so hop on and stop wasting time," he teased and I heaved a deep sigh then groaned.

"If I die, I will haunt you," I said and he simply laughed.

"Ooooo I'm so scared," he teased and I rolled my eyes and sat behind him.

"Wrap your arms around my waist," he said but I shook my head and said, "I'll just hold onto the seat thank you very much."

"Alright but it would be safer if you did," he said and I said, "I'll be fine."

He started the engine and said, "You ready?"

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