18| Blast from the Past

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A calm voice enters the quiet atmosphere of the boarding area saying, "Flight from Los Angeles International Airport to Ninoy Aquino International Airport is now boarding at gate 702."

"This is a flight from Los Angeles, California to Manila, Philippines," the announcer continues.

I noticed that all the Filipinos on the same flight began texting away and calling their relatives. I somewhat expected the flight to be like this.

Filled with Filipinos going home and tourists already tropically dressed for their adventures in the Philippines. Maybe a business man or two would be found but hardly anyone would be formally dressed for a flight like this.

It is a 15 hour flight. That's more than half a day.

I decided to pull out my phone and text Nathaniel.

Alex: Hey, I'll be boarding soon, take care while I'm away and message me if you want me to bring anything back.

60 seconds.

120 seconds. 

180 seconds.

Ugh.... I can't believe he left me on read. As if I didn't already feel like garbage.

I gave up and decided to text Rosa and the others instead in our group chat.

Alex: Hey guys, I'm boarding the plane right  now

Rosa: Oh! I still cannot believe you're leaving right now! Be safe though 😘

Kellan: Good thing Rosa informed me

Savannah: Yeah next time you have to tell us so we can come with you!

Lucas: I'm pretty sure it's a trip for personal reasons

Kellan: Yeah but seriously Alex, tell us next time before we start freaking out about how you're not at work

Kaelyn: Since when was I in this group chat

Rosa: Oh I added you! You're part of our friend group now whether you like it or not.

Kaelyn: 😳😳😳

Nathaniel: Ha, Alex obviously doesn't want us to leave her alone so leave her alone

Kellan: Oh boy

Savannah: Quit it Nathaniel, you're acting like a child

Nathaniel: I'm acting like a child, she's the one who goes around doing impulsive things

Kellan: Hey she wants to see her family, pipe down a bit

Rosa: And besides, shouldn't you be more understanding

Lucas: Yo Kaelyn, I think this is our cue to grab popcorn

Kaelyn: Oohhh yeah

Alex: Guys, it's ok, it's my fault, anyways

Alex: Do you guys want anything for me to bring as a souvenir?

Savannah: Ooo, can you bring delicacies? Like something that no other country has? Unique to the Philippines

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