11: Pressure Point

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"Oh my gosh Guys! I am so excited to go dress shopping," Rosa said as she was pulling me and Savannah through the streets of LA.

"Woah woah woah Rosa, what got you all riled up?," I said and Rosa stopped in her tracks and covered her face and squealed so loud that everyone stared at us.

"I don't know if you guys already know but I have this really huge crush on Lucas and he asked me OUT! Can you believe it?!", She said as she jumped up and down squealing.

"You literally look like a giddy school girl," Savannah pointed out making me laugh.

"Rosa, would it be insane for you to hear that Lucas also has a huge crush on you?," I teased and Rosa looked so happy as she said, "That would be the best news ever."

"Well then there you go," I said and she squealed again and said, "You better not be joking."

"Well then you can just ask him tonight," I said and she smiled widely and said, "All the more for me to pick the perfect dress."

I turned my attention to Savannah and asked, "Are you going with someone Dr. Wilson?"

"Ohh Umm, I didn't really get asked by anyone, well I kinda just went home straight after talking to you guys," she said and I smiled and said, "Don't worry, you don't need a date to look awesome and feel awesome."

"I'm actually kind of nervous, I never even attended prom back in Africa, I was always in touch with the wildlife, I loved the nature much more than people," She explained.

I smiled at her reassuringly and said, "I'll make sure you'll have the best experience, I promise."

We scouted the LA streets and eventually stopped at a shop that caught our eyes.

We went in the shop and Rosa immediately went on and picked dresses off racks, saying oos and aahs as she picked various styles of dresses.

I then looked at Savannah and she seemed hesitant to pick out a dress.

"Savannah, are you okay?," I asked and she shook her head and said, "I was never the type to pick a dress, back in Gauteng, I would always be found wearing worn out camo shorts and tank tops."

"Hey, maybe we'll find something that will match your aura," I suggested and she nodded and went to the racks.

She then started going through the racks looking uncertain until she finally found a dress that made her feel intrigued.

"You found something?", I asked but I already knew what she was eyeing.
She takes out the dress from the rack and says, "I have to try it on."

I smiled at her and said, "By all means."

I pointed to the dressing room and she excitedly went in.
I turned to Rosa who looked distraught at all the dresses she's picked.

"Hey Rosa, are you okay?", I said as I approached Rosa who looked so worried.

"Alex, what if I pick the wrong dress and he won't like how I look?," She asked and I laughed and said, "You sound like you're attending your first prom."

Rosa slumps as she buries her face in her hands. I patted her back then said, "Rosa, this isn't high school anymore, wear what you want and if he doesn't like you for you then he's not worth it."

Rosa removed her hands from her face then gave a small smile.

"Thanks Alex, I know just what to pick," she said.
Rosa picks a dress and goes into a dressing room.

Savannah finally comes out in the dress that she chose. It was a beautifully vibrant orange mermaid dress that had a cheetah print lining on the busy line.

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