3: First Patient

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I looked at the directory and looked for where I could find room 302.

I traced my finger on the digital map and it eventually landed on the number 302.

Ok take the elevator  on the left hallway then go to the 3rd floor and........

It would be just 2 rooms to the right of the elevator. Alright!

I left the directory and I was making my way to the elevator when I bumped into someone causing their coffee to spill all over their scrubs.

What is it with people bumping into me?!

I quickly tried to help her remove the stain as I said, "Oh my gosh I am SO SO sorry."

I looked at her face and I was scared at how infuriated she looked. Her fiery orange hair was tied into a sleek ponytail.

She was short but it didn't stop her from still intimidating me.

Emerald green eyes glared daggers through me. Her pale skin was glowing red as she pushed my hands away and said, "Take your hands off me."

"I was just trying to help-," I said but she cut me off and said, "How about I give you a tip? Why don't you try looking at where you are going so that things like this don't happen, capiche?"

"Uhh, sorry, I understand it's my fault," I said but she just rolled her eyes and walked past me.

Just great. Now I have two people to avoid in this hospital. A man baby and an angry ginger.

I should probably go to my patient now.

Good thing the coffee only spilt on her.

I made my way to the elevator and got in. I watched as the elevator doors were coming to a close until a hand stopped them from doing so.

I watched as a man also in scrubs come in. He was tall but not that tall compared to me but he was still tall. He had honey blonde hair styled into an undercut and gorgeously tan skin. Along with those features were dark hazel eyes and a lean physique.

He smiled and I smiled back saying, "Intern here too?"

"Yeah, my patient's in room 302," he said in a thick western accent.

"Nice accent, where'd you grow up?," I asked and he laughed and said, "Sweet Home Alabama."

Hold up, did he just say his patient was in room  302!

I pressed the button for the third floor and I asked, "Did you just say your patient was in room 302?"

He nodded and said, "Yes Ma'am."
"Oh, my patient is in room 302," I said and he grinned and he then says as he tips an imaginary cowboy hat, "Well, I guess that makes you my pardner."

I laughed and said, "You are literally the embodiment of a western stereotype right now."

"Sorry, I got carried away, thought you'd find it charming if I did that hat thing," he reasoned and I just grinned at his antics.

Backtrack Alexandria, did he just say he was your partner?

"Wait, are you saying that I'm doing rounds with a fellow intern," I said and he nodded and said, "Were you not listening during orientation?"

"I guess I wasn't listening enough," I said and he chuckled then said, "Hopefully you don't mind if I tag along."

The elevator doors opened so we stepped out and made our way to room 302.

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