16| Longing

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1 week later......

"Rosa, how are you holding up," I said as I officially begun my shift for the day by signing in.

"Pretty good, ever since your talk with Kaelyn, she's been nicer but she is still a little rough around the edges," she said and I chuckled and said, "If she was completely nice, she wouldn't be Kaelyn."

She laughed then I asked, "So is she and Lucas doing okay now?"

"Yup, she apologised and they had the most awkward hug but now Lucas feels a lot better about himself," Rosa explained and I nodded.

Rosa then looked like she just realised something then said, "Wait a minute, how about you and Nathaniel, how are you two doing?"

Before I could answer, I heard a familiar voice say, "We've been great, Alexandria is as amazing as ever."

I then looked to my side and saw Nathaniel and he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I lightly pushed him away and said, "Nathaniel not here, we're at work."

He smirked and said, "Oh hush, you know you like it."
I slightly blushed and Rosa said, "OooOOkayyy, now this is my cue to leave, have fun you two lovebirds."

Rosa disappeared into the west wing of the hospital and I was left with Nathaniel. He gave me another kiss on the cheek and I said, "Hey, stop that! If a resident catches us we're going to get scolded."

"Ahh this reminds me of my high school days, everything is so forbidden," he said and I rolled my eyes and said, "It's not forbidden, I just believe that at work, things should be professional."

He chuckled and caressed my cheek then proceeded to pinch them and said, "It's so hard to resist you, you're like a ball of witty banter and quirkiness."

I playfully smacked his hands away and said, "Don't even try to woo me with sweet nothings."

"Oh no, I don't have to do that, just looking at me and you're already drooling," he teased as he flexed his biceps making me laugh.

"We're only a week in with me allowing you to take me on dates, don't get too cocky," I said and he smiled and said, "I'm not, I know that behind all that smart talk is you internally falling for me."

"And besides, even before you allowed me, you'd willingly go on one and one escapades with me," he teased.

I was about to reply when I heard someone clear their throat.

I looked to where the sound came from and saw Dr. Wright eyeing us intensely as he said, "I believe you two have work."

Nathaniel nodded then turned to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then said, "I'll see you after my shift Huang."
He gave one last smile and he finally disappeared into the hallways.

I then looked at Dr. Wright who was still staring and said, "So you and Dr. Cardinal....."

"Dr. Wright I-," I said but he shook his head and said, "I understand."

I sighed and said, "You said we'd still be friends."

"Of course Alexandria, I enjoy your company too much to let that come between us," he said then he approached me and took my hand.

Even though I knew I was supposed to resist, I didn't and let him hold it.

He searched my eyes and said, "If the circumstances were any different, would it be me instead of him?"

I gulped, not knowing what to answer, I just looked at his icy blue eyes and they were just filled with sorrow.

His eyes were puffy like he had been crying. I sighed and cupped his cheek and he closed his eyes as he felt my touch on his face.

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