13| Compete

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8:30 AM, Tuesday, North Haven Hospital

I woke up to the blaring sun shining through my eye lids.
My throat was dry as I barely croaked out, "T-too...m-much.....l-light."

A blurry figure quickly put back the curtains saying, "Goodness, Alex, you're awake!"

I blinked my eyes a couple of times and finally the image of the person became clearer.

"Dr. Wright?," I said and he immediately rushed up to me and held my hand.

"Alexandria, what do you need?," he asked and I immediately said, "Water....water."

He immediately grabbed the glass of water from the table beside me and helped me drink.

When I finally finished drinking I asked, "How long have I been out?"

He sighed and said, "Around two days."

I looked at Dr. Wright's face and saw that he looked tired. Dark circles under her eyes were beginning to form and his stubble grew a little longer.

"Hey, you look tired, you look worse than me and I'm the one who got shot," I teased and he just lets out a low laugh.

"Well you didn't have to be a hero," he said and I was about to counter his words when someone came in and it was Nathaniel.

"All this could have been avoided if you just didn't try to act like some accomplished fighter who could take down those men," Nathaniel said without sparing his spite from Dr. Wright.

"Nathaniel, it's so good to see you, come here, I missed you," I said and he happily went in my arms as I wrapped him in an embrace.

I noticed Dr. Wright flinch a bit and one of his eyes slightly twitch.

"Are you okay Dr. Wright?", I asked and he just awkwardly coughs and says, "Ahhh....errr....I'm quite alright."

I turn my attention back to Nathaniel and asked, "Where were you that night? I was worried cause I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I was cowering behind the catering table, those blasted thieves interrupted me from getting another serving of cake," he humoured and I smiled.

"Oh no, we wouldn't want that now would we, how dare they keep you away from your cake!," I humoured and he laughed making me laugh with him.

I instantly regretted laughing when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I immediately clutched the area where it hurt as I slightly hissed in pain.

"Hey, take it easy Alexandria," Dr. Wright said as he patted my back to comfort me. Nathaniel then helped put me in a comfortable position and said, "For once, I agree with him."

"Wait, I genuinely thought I was going to die, what happened?," I asked.

"Dr. Cardinal found me putting pressure on your wound and he helped me get you to an OR," Dr. Wright explained.

"I spearheaded the surgery while Savannah and Dr. Wright assisted me," Nathaniel added making Dr. Wright scoff.

"Ha, more like the one who spaced out for five minutes for who knows what and if there was no one else there, it would also mean that Alexandria would have just bled out on that surgical table," Dr. Wright firmly said making Nathaniel glare at him.

"I had my reasons," Nathaniel said and Dr. Wright rolls his eyes and says, "When you're doing your job, you have to set aside your feelings, it's called professionalism."

"Why don't you shut your bloody mouth before I wipe that smug look of your face Dr. Wright," Nathaniel said as he gritted his teeth and looked at Dr. Wright with contempt.

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