Chapter one

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"Congratulations the contract is yours if you want it." He smiled and slid it to her, she looked at the contract and moved her hair out of her face. She looked up at him as he got up and put a pen next to the paper, she took the pen and tried to ovoid the awkwardness.

"All the answers to your questions is in this contract, read it sign it or walk." He said walking behind her, he put his hands on the desk. He bent down to smell her hair, which smelled liked coconut, she could hear him breathe the smell from her hair. She looked over the rules and answers, she turned the page and signed it. She couldn't believe that she was first place winner, now she's sitting in the office room. With lex Godfrey the most sexiest man alive, and yet kind of dangerous. Her friend Layla talked her into doing this if it wasn't for her she wouldn't be here. Competing against all those beautiful woman and she got picked is pretty amazing. Even though Lily Emane is a good girl rarely does anything, so this is like the first thing she ever did. At the end of the contract 5 million dollars for a whole year with him.

"So do you understand this contract ?" He asked her and she looked at him and nodded.

"I don't take nods." He said

"Yes I Umm understand the contract a year living with you gets me 5 million dollars." She said and he laughed because she had no idea what she got her gorgeous ass into at all.

"Yea correct most people don't last a month but if you last a month 50 grand prize, you leave we never see each other again." He said

"Umm okay." She said dryly she really didn't understand what he meant "don't last" she don't think it's a bad idea living with him, but once again she doesn't know what she signed up for. She looked at him and she was nervous as hell because he is hella intimidating, his green eyes looking into hers is kinda of awkward for her.

"Can you give me the run down of the rules." She said There she go some common sense, once she hears the rules, she'll probably change her mind.

"Of course." He said pulling back from the chair, walking in front of her again. She gulped and blinked like 15 times, he was wondering why would she even do this. He knows her whole background, and this isn't her. He knows her family is loaded with money so why is she even here.

"You sign the contract I own you for a year. Everything about you. I control what you eat, what you wear, what you do then.... there's fun. It's going to be hella more fun for me than for you. You will move in Volkov estate, you will be monitored to follow the rules. Every rule you break will be an punishment, as for I'm allowed access to your body at all times. And before you freak out I know your a Virgin Lily Emone." He said

"Lily Emane Sir." She said and he looked at her, one thing he didn't know was that she did not play about her name.

"Emane I see okay, you see this ranges from sexually to purely sadistic. Humiliation, degradation whatever I'm in the mood for. It can and will include torture and pain. It's what I like and why you've come, you came for the money. I'm here to help you earn it understand or walking away someone else is dying for your spot you know." He said and she looked away and then back at him, she was wondering why he was sadist.

"I understand." She said he grinned coming closer to her, he touched her face and she let him.

"I have one question for you and I want an honest answer." He said

"And that is ." She said

"Your family is loaded with money, your kind of like an spoiled brat. You like things to go your way or no way, why are you here if you were born rich?" He asked her.

"Can their be limits to the questions." She said

"For you not me I can ask what I Please." He chucked.

"Then I won't answer." She said she was lucky that it hasn't started yet, or he was going to slap the living hell out of her.

"What mommy and daddy don't claim you anymore because of this I see. Or you can tell me that Im wrong since such attitude comes out that mouth of yours." He said

"My mother is dead and all her money goes to her husband who had a girlfriend and 5 kids. Kids don't know I exist, don't speak to my father. Everything that I owned went to him, I'm B.R.O.K.E broke." She said and looked away, he was making her nervous and he liked that he did.

"Get up." He said and she did just that but slowly, he motioned for her to come to him. She fixed her tennis skirt and the walked to him. He roughly grabbed her by the hair yanking her closer to her.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you punished I don't care about your mom or dad. I don't even care about you do I make myself clear." He said

"Yes." She said lowly she really wanted to cry but she didn't show him, she wanted to stay strong. If she shows him that she's weak it's easy for him to hurt her.

"Yes what!" He yelled at her yanking her hair as her body jerked back, she closed her eyes and looked back at him.

"Yes sir." She said he smiled letting her go pushing her away from her.

"Good girl." He said

"And if it's to much to handle to words can get you out. I QUIT. You say that twice and you are free to leave, and we never see other again. Not many make it the full month some made it to six months. Let's see if innocent little ole you can handle, daddy's game shall we." He said and she didn't give an response.

"Is that I Umm need to know." She said

"Other than for me to inform you that broken bones can heal, so can bruises and most cuts. A scar not visibly is not considered mutilation. This does include your face, hands, neck anything else is my canvas and fair game." He said

"You can leave this house as you like I'm not going to hold you in here as a prisoner. Enjoy yourself but you will have something to monitor you. This." He said it was a beautiful diamond bracelet, he grabbed her arm and put it on her.

"I can hear you and know where you are at all times Lily Emane." He said

"It's a nice bracelet." She said and he ignored her, she looked at it and just stayed quiet.

"Let me show you to your room, we can discuss rules over dinner. " he said and they both started to walk, she followed him and oh gosh his house is big. She was looking at all the doors that she knew she probably won't be able to touch. He opened the door to a small bedroom, he knew everything about her. And one thing she feared was small spaces, she gulped and ran her hand through her hair.

"I Umm-"

"You what scared of small spaces I don't care this is your room meet me at dinner in a hour. If your late punishment will be made understand." He said

"Yes sir." She responded he moved out the way putting his hand out so she could go in the room. He watched her hips move in her tennis skirt, she sat down on the bed and looked around.

"Your wardrobe will be in that closet right there nothin to exclusive. You like to be comfortable got your comfortable clothes." He said

"Okay." She said he walked out the room with out a word and he shut the door behind him. She sighed and looked around, she started to feel sweat coming off her face.

"Must make your heart steel close your eyes, clear your heart and let go." She said as she took a deep breath, she opened her eyes again. She walked into the bathroom it was a nice bathroom, she turned on the shower and took off her clothes.

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