Chapter 37

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"I do not feel good Lex please." She said he wanted to be annoying and mess with her the whole morning. She wasn't feeling too good, she was tired she wasn't in the mood for anything at the moment. She wasn't in the mood for his bullshit, honestly he's been on her motherfucking nerves. She didn't know that it will be this hard dating a sadist she didn't know that being in love with a sadist could be this hard. She really couldn't believe that he actually even asked her out 3 years ago, they have been private dating for a year. Then the next two people new and they had got engaged 3 months ago. Their life is very private, due to how they don't always post on social media all day or everyday. They have been dating for 3 years them 3 years have not been Easy for her, he is really hard to understand. One minute he's fine and then the next he's not, he actually fell in love with her. When he beat the hell out of her and forgave him because she knew he was going through a lot. That's when he decided to ask her to be his girlfriend, she proved to him that she wasn't weak. And that she could handle him which she can, her words were very true. He loves her he will do anything for her he just doesn't really know how. He's learning when he first met, he always knew it was something different about her. When you can beat someone for months and it takes for you to destroy something valuable to make them cry. She's beautiful to him not just her look it's her soul, she has an beautiful soul, that no girl can replace. And this baby only makes him love her even more, even though he has a rough time showing her he do. He can't stay away from her, at all if she leaves him he's popping up. No matter where she goes she belongs to him and he belongs to her, their love  is unconditional. "I know baby put some clothes on we're getting some food." He said helping her out the bed, he walked to her closet walking. "What you want to wear?" He asked her, she walked out the room. "Can you pick something for me." She said going into the kitchen, he looked into her closet, he grabbed her an sweater some ripped jeans, and some brown boots. 20 minutes later she came in with her towel, she dropped it he was smoking his cigarette. He got up walking up to her, she grabbed his neck kissing him, he picked her up putting her legs on his shoulders. She held on to him as he licked the inside of her folds, pushing her against the wall. While her legs sit on his shoulders, "Oooouuuuuu Leeex!" She moaned grabbing his hair, he grunted licking her g-spot. Making her twitch and squirm all over his mouth, her body was rocking against his face.


"You look good in pink." Roman said

"Thanks, I'm really happy you decided to take me out, thanks

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"Thanks, I'm really happy you decided to take me out, thanks." She said giving him a hug, he hugged her back kissing her forehead. With everything going on he figure she needed fresh air or something. He's not the best at doing dates because he bought her to club, but their in V.I.P. So it really shouldn't matter you know, she's grateful for anything that he tries to do for her. She knows he's still trying to work on himself to perfect himself for her, she truly just likes the way he is. Him turning into a different person is not who she fell in love with, she fell in love with who he already was. "I love you so much." He said to her she turned around placing her back on his stomach as they swayed to the music. "I love you too, Roman your my everything." She said he placed his chin on her shoulder kissing her neck gently, she loved when he did that. He kisses her neck instead of biting her it's like leaving a mark to let people know. That she belongs to lex Godfrey nobody else, just him. "You are my life, and my beautiful fiancé...I mean it your are my life, I don't know what I'll do if I were to lose you." He said she turned around, touching his face looking at him. She pecked his lips "I will never leave you, ever I promise." She said " I know, I will shoot you in your knees where you gone go if you can't walk." He said she chuckled, he smiled grabbing her hand, they walked out of the section. Leaving the club, he wanted to go home and be alone with her, he doesn't understand why she still by his side. After all the fucked up shit he has done to her within 3 years of her life. 3 years ! 3 fucking years I mean because of him she might die when she gives birth to her child. He's afraid of loosing her, she's his life, he wouldn't know what the hell to do if she were to die. He would have to raise his child on his own and then one day he's gonna have to tell his child that their mother, died giving birth to them. That's like the most heartbreaking thing to ever go through, and he hates that he did that to her. One of the things he regret is not letting her Finish them treatments, if she did she would be just fine.

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