Chapter 21

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"Touch it." He said looking into her eyes, she shook her head no, he grinned and kissed her neck.

"You know you want to just touch it."
He said he grabbed her hand placing it on his dick.

"Fuck! Lex I lost the bet!" She yelled and he laughed putting her on the sink he looked at her and kissed her.

"Daddy always gets his way." He said and she smiled kissing him, she's been having fun with him these last couple of week. Yes weeks she's been at his house for weeks now, and he hasn't disrespected her or gave her an punishment. She's freely to wear what she want just because she's not signed to him anymore.

"I know....but I'm sore." She said

"I don't give a flying fuck give me what I want.... now." He said smacking her ass making it turn, red she jumped and licked down on her lips.

"Daddy please please I have to go to work today." She said

"I told you to quit that fucking job." He said

"Can't I'm the ceo." She said

"I'm a ceo also baby Pryce said he needed to talk to you but your not leaving until I get what I want." He said pulling her panties off, she chuckled letting him, he got on his knees and opened her legs. He went down putting his mouth between her wet juicy lips, she moaned lowly as he licked up and down sucking her clit. He put two fingers in and she gasped closing her legs, he tapped them twice and she opened them.


"Hey Pryce he told me you wanted to talk to me." Lily said as she hugged him, Pryce was vert shock to see her back. He was actually happy and then disappointed in her that she did come back.

"You mindless well go to work and never come back to this state and stay in Pennsylvania soon as I tell this news." He said Patting the hospital bed she sat down on it fixing her skirt, he sighed giving her the papers and a pen.

"My lovely beauty you are pregnant by the monster himself, he will not be happy with it at all." He said and she looked at him and at the pregnancy test, she cried and he hugged her. She wasn't planning on getting pregnant by him

"Can I ?" She asked

"No due to your previous condition getting an abortion is not going to be provided for you. You will die in the process." He said

"Abortion?" Lex came down asking her.

"You've got my lovely beauty pregnant and she can't have an abortion due to your domestic selfish ass." Pryce said

"I her on the pill." He said

"The pills don't work on her belly joe so you have a child on the way congratulations." Pryce said smacking the papers on the table and stormed out the room, slamming the door. He walked over to lily whom was trying to avoid eye contact.

"You was trying to get rid of something I created?" He asked her.

"I-I knew y-you wouldn't want it lex." She said he grabbed her by throat and got on top of her, Dry humping her.

"Your fucking right." He said slapping her, he walked away and she grabbed him.

"It's not my fault it's yours." She said it was true he knew the pull didn't work, so she really didn't know why he was mad.

"I don't- fuck you I'll raise my baby on my own I don't fucking need you." She said

"Fuck you too, you dumb piece of shit." He said and she paused looking at him, he looked at her and touched her.

"No baby I didn't mean it.... -"

"You did, it's fine." She said he grabbed her and she pulled away, he grabbed her and she looked away from him.

"Baby I didn't mean that I adore you so much baby I promise I didn't mean it, okay." He said she nodded as she walked out the room, he followed her and she was going to his room. He walked walked in and watched her, she grabbed her phone and purse. She was looking for her car keys, she found them and she grabbed them. She walked to the door which he was blocking it, she ran her hand through her hair and tried to get pass him.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"To work." She said

"Your coming back?" He asked her

"Yes." She reasoned lying, he moved out the way for her and she walked down the stairs, he heard her heels clicking until he couldn't hear them anymore.

"Lex!" She said as she woke up out of her sleep, and he turned to look at her, she was breathing heavily and her mouth was to floor.

"What is it." He grunted as he was still sleep.

"Never mind." She said getting out of his bed, she walked out his room, and she seen who she was looking for.

"Pryce can we go do some testing ?" She asked very curiously he nodded as they went downstairs to the medical room.

"What is it?" He asked her

"I had an dream that I was pregnant, and lex was very upset and you were very upset crazy." She said very nervously.

"And you want to know if you are not ?" He asked she nodded shaking, he gave her the best pregnancy test in the world. She peed and came out giving it to him, he sat it on the table.

"So you had a Dream well they all had those, honey but your on the pill." He said

"But In the dream you said the pill didn't work because of how I died and etc." she said he laughed

"Honey you are the most chuckled person I ever met, the pill works and matter of fact this prove that you are not pregnant." He said showing her and she fell to the floor and happiness coming back up to him.

"Take that home with you don't leave that here okay." She said

"I know this okay go back to sleep." He said and she nodded going back upstairs, she walked to his room. And he was up looked like he was waiting for here.

"Come here." He said and she walked to him, he grabbed her and put her on top of him, he kissed her neck and she bit down on her lip.

"You woke me up now gimme sum." He said smacking her butt, she jumped and rubbed her butt cheeks smiling at her.

"I'm tired." She said kissing him getting off him, but he had other plans he turned her and she was lying on her stomach.

"Ahhh shit!" She moaned he roughly put his dick into her tight vagina, he grabbed her hair yanking it back. He smacked her ass as he pounded her harder and harder, the room filled up with her moans and his grunts.

"A-Ahh." She moaned he went to her neck and she pulled his hair making him bite her, she collapsed and he brought her back up. He put one hand on her neck and the other on her Pussy rubbing it, making her cum even harder.

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