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He got up because he was hearing gagging sounds from his bathroom, it was at least 6 in the morning. Not his usual time when he gets up, but he wanted to know if she was okay because he knew it was her. Since the right side of the bed was empty, he walked into the bathroom and she was puking her guts out.

"I would like some privacy please." She said and then all types of colors he didn't even know what color that was. All he knew that it was disgusting and that he should leave but he didn't.

"No I don't take orders from you." He said coldly, throwing her an towel, she didn't know what was the matter with him this morning. She never actually understood his moods, one minute he's nice and the next he's not. She didn't even bother to say anything, she got up flushing the toilet. She walked to the sink grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste and started to brush her teeth. She was brushing them real good since her mouth tasted like throw up. Once she was done she turned on the shower and he stood there looking at her.

"Just kill it." He said

"I don't want the fucking thing anyway, makes me think twice about our engagement. Babies and shit what the hell are we going to do with a fucking baby. Huh? Lilian please tell me." He said

"Raise it until he or she is ready to go on their way, and if you were thinking twice about an engagement you should've never proposed to me." She said taking off her pajamas, she was very irritated with his moods and didn't have time or felt good for them either. That actually hurts her feelings to hear him say that, he was happy about the baby and now he's not. He wants her to kill the baby and she's not going to do that. That's below the belt she will never do that it's not in her heart, no matter how much she says it. She will never kill a baby never because they never asked to be here. So just give them a life that's not in her to just kill a fucking baby.

"So What are you trying to say that we shouldn't be engaged?" He asked her angrily

"Well your putting that fucking way, Lex I don't have time for your bullshit I'm tired and don't feel well for it." She said calmly

"You had time to fuck me like a honey badger that's how it got here." He said

"My baby is not an it, and yes I did and is there a fucking problem with it? Because if it is take your long slingy ass to bed then." She said going to the tub and turned on her water, letting it fill the bathtub.

"Who the hell you getting tough with Lilian." He said walking up to her, she didn't even bother to answer him. He grabbed her by the throat roughly pushing her against the wall.

"Are you death?" he said spitting in her face she moved his hand from her neck.

"I'm get tough with you please get the FUCK out of my face." She said

"No this is my house, you can politely leave." He said

"I will soon as I take my fucking bath you asshole." She said turning the water off getting into the tub, he looked at her one last time before he left out the bathroom. She laid her head back into the tub and touched her stomach. She smiled looking at her feet, her face started to crumble up trying to hold back the tears. But they just started to fall from her eyes like and waterfall gone bad, her sobs is what made her get out the tub. She walked out the bathroom grabbing her some clothes, she put them on. And grabbed her car keys, walking out his bedroom going down the stairs, she grabbed an water from the fridge.

"Your leaving?" He asked her very serious and mad, she scoffed and walked to his door, she opened it walking out of his house. He grabbed her arm pushing her back into the house, and slammed the door.

"If you think your leaving me your a fucking fool get your ass up there and go the fuck to bed." He said

"No." She said and he stopped and looked at her like he was confused or didn't understand what the hell came out of her mouth.

"No? No! Haha that's funny." He said licking his lips, she walked to his door and opened it.

"If you leave don't come back." He said the door shut, he stood there and looked stupid thinking that she was going to stay. She knew that he will come back to her sooner or later, it wasn't a doubt he was going to leave her alone. He was the one chasing her now, they were chasing each other. The love they have is something you just do get from the fucking candy store. That love has an story behind it a very interesting story if we're being honest at the moment. He picked the phone up and called Lilian. "Hey you have reached Lilian if didn't answer it's because I'm busy, just leave a message I'll call you back." Her voice mail had ended, he went to his room, and put on some clothes.


She heard her door opened and got up, grabbing a knife she walked out the of her room going to her living room. She dropped it and ran to her room closing and locking the door. She went into her closet and locked herself in her closet. He opened her room door and looked for her, he sat on her bed taking off his shoes. He took his coat off throwing it on the floor, he took off his clothes leaving him in just his boxers. He laid down in her bed turning the light off and just waited for her to come. She did and turned the light back on "The fuck are you doing?" She said very irritated

"Because I'm not playing games with you, it's you come home or I'll stay here." He simply said

"Please leave your are not about to talk to me like shit and then try to tell me otherwise no." She said he lifted up and looked at her, like he was tired of bitchin. She knows damn well he wakes up saying crazy shit just because he has an hangover also. He got up and walked over to her, he turned him towards her, she started crying and he hugged her.

"I know I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I just get really irritated you know I'm sorry." He said and laid her down on the bed, getting behind her clapping his hands and the lights came off. He wrapped his arms around her and he was off to sleep in the next 3 minutes, she went to sleep 3 minutes after him. This couple is very very interesting we shall say or not? Yeah ? Yeah I was saying so also.

I fell in love with a sadist Where stories live. Discover now