Chapter 34

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He walked around looking all for her he really didn't know where she went because she didn't even know where she went. She haven't been in Columbia at all, so she doesn't know where anything is at. He called her phone multiple times but she didn't answer, he sat on the couch he couldn't go nowhere because she took his car. Hours later the door opened and she came in looking tired and hungry, he walked over to her but she moved pass him. Going to kitchen looking for something to eat, she made herself a sandwich as he looked at her.

"Where were you?" He asked her, she didn't respond she just kept eating her sandwich.

"Where were you?" He asked her again but as normal she ignored him, not caring about answering him.

"I'm going to ask you this last time. Where were you?" He asked her she thought she was going to walk pass him, but clearly he's been so nice to her. She forgot who he really was, he pushed back making her hit her head on the cabinet. He grabbed her neck and she dropped the sandwich as he lifted her up in the air, watching her scratching his hands so he could stop.

"Where the FUCK were you! " he yelled at her

"I-I" she cough getting those two eyes out of her mouth he dropped her, she started coughing an joking. Trying to get all the air she could and he stood there watching her, more angrier than he would be.

"I found and waterfall and I was there swimming can you explain the wet hair. " she said

"Why?" He asked her.

"Because I'm 22 years old and I can do whatever I want to do. If your not going to talk to me we shouldn't be dating, or even talking to each other. Communication goes both ways if you really wanted to know, so for now on I'm not seeing you anymore." She said Walking away he grabbed her arm,

"Baby baby baby no your no leaving me." He said

"I am." She said he gripped her arm tighter looking at her in her eyes.

"Your not leaving me I'm nothing without you Lilian Emane. Please don't leave me what do you wanna I'll tell you anything just don't leave me. "He said

"Then tell me why you beat on women I will understand." She said cupping his face, she looked at him,

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." He said

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked looking at him, he was moving his head away from her, but she still looked at him.

"Because it's not supposed to exist." He said

"What is not supposed to exist ?" She asked him

"Uprism, I'm a sadist I like to see people in pain, I like to you see you in pain. I love to hear you scream and cry. I feed on humans, I bite your neck because that's what keep me on a full stomach. I'm an upir." He said looking at her, she didn't let go, she really didn't fully understood what he was saying though.

"Your a vampire ?" She asked him

"Yes an upir, don't be scarred of me." He said she let go and he slammed his hand on the counter making the room shake.

"Don't be scared of me !" He yelled she jumped as her eyes started to water, she walked away from him but not to far. She came back into him slamming her lips on to his, he held her tightly as their tongues were connecting to each other.

"I will never be scared of you, your gorgeous no matter if your human or not." She said and she smiled, she meant it she really thought he was Lying but from how he so straight. It kind of dawned on her, how his teeth could easily just bite down in her skin.

"Do you live forever ?" She asked him

"I can die it takes time for me to age of course but I can die just like you can nothing major. I can eat regular food, drink water and shit." He said

"I want to be with you forever, and there's only one way." She said

"No your going to die of old age, with all my babies and grandchildren. I'm not changing you." He said

"I will die before you and I'm going to get old and ,your not going to like me when I look like a grandma how long have you been living?" She asked him

"For 23 years." He said

"Okay regular life." She said

"I'm not changing you, forget that I even told you that." He said and then her mind went blank, he had compelled her to forget and she doesn't even remember. All she know that she is mad at him again, but he still know that she will accept him for the truth.

"Why are you touching me?" She asked him he laughed

"Because you love me and your letting me so I see it's not a problem." He said he pecked her lips, he let a smile creep up on his face and she looked surprised.

"Was that a smile?" She asked as she giggled, he really liked the feeling of her accepting him for who he was. But he couldn't not accept her being what he is, so he had to compel her to forget it. He can not take that risk, he actually loved for her to be around him, he loved it he loved he loved it. He loved her and that was something that he was scarred to admit, that he could love. He knows he's a sadist and he knows she's a masochist, he knows that he's not supposed to fall in love with a person like her. He met as an innocent soul and to this day she's innocent because she's mean no harm to anyone. She's way too nice she likes to help people and give her love to everyone. He knows that she's too good for him, but he's tired of being the bad guy. He's willing to change for her and only her, she is what makes him a whole.

I fell in love with a sadist Where stories live. Discover now