-chapter 3-

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[Isabella's POV]

Emma. She's totally different than I thought she was. She's genuine, friendly, and hilarious.

I started running back home after she left, or else my parents would get mad at me. They're not abusive, just have bad tempers. My dad isn't there half the time so my mom does most everything for my little brother and I. It's hard for her and I get it, but I have a life and friends too.

It was 8:00 and my best friend Charlotte called me.

"Hey Lottie!" I put her on speaker so I could change into pajamas. 

"Hey insect. How was working on the science project with the Emma Wood?" She joked. I could see her smirking through the phone.

"She's actually not that bad. I think it's Mallory and Hayden that make her that way."

"Bet. She's a doorknob. No she's not even a doorknob. That's too sophisticated. She's like a door mat." Charlotte babbled on and on.

"CHARLOTTE!" I interrupted. "No she's not! Just actually meet her and then you can say what you want."

"Fine but she's still a doormat." I sighed knowing I wouldn't win this fight.

"Whatever Lottie." I rolled my eyes.

"You know I can hear you roll your eyes." I burst out laughing.

"Charlotte that's gross! I don't even want to imagine that sound!" She just giggled along.

"Too late! You just did." I gagged at the thought of the sound. "Uh oh I gotta go. My mom's calling me. See ya tomorrow poopsicle."

"Bye Lottie." I sighed and hung up. I love that girl. I finished changing into my pajamas and laid down on my bed, scrolling through Instagram.

Soon enough I heard a small knock at my door. I looked up and saw my 6 year old brother, Ian, at the door. "Hey bud, whatcha doing? It's late."

"Can I come sleep with you tonight? Mama's playing loud music." His room was right next to my parents and he couldn't sleep some nights.

"Of course." I nodded. "Can you close the door?" He did as I asked and ran to snuggle with me. Almost immediately he fell asleep. Sweet little snores escaped his mouth and I kissed his forehead.

I scrolled through my phone a bit more but slowly my eyes got heavy. Tomorrow was finally Friday, and then I could spend almost the whole weekend with Charlotte. Or with Emma working on our project. It was almost the end of the semester, which means new classes. Science would stay the same, except it would be later in the day, not right away.

Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm went off and I opened my eyes to see that Ian wasn't there. He's an early bird. I hopped out of bed and grabbed some black joggers and and white volleyball sweatshirt from state last year. Our team did really well and we made it far.

I did my morning routine and ran down the hall to the kitchen. I grabbed the rest of a smoothie I made yesterday from the freezer and dashed out the door out the door, I was late. I started my walk to school.

"All right class!" Mrs. Rhett spoke right after the bell rang. "Get with your partner quick and talk about what your going to do later today."

Emma rushed over to me, eager to get away from Mallory and Hayden. "Hey Isa !"

"Hi Em!" I called her my pet name for her.

"So I was thinking after picking up stuff from Home Depot we could head over to my house and work in the garage or backyard. Is that good?" She seemed nervous asking.

"Yeah of course! Meet up by the oak tree?"

"Sure. I hope you don't mind country music, because I will be playing that." I giggled along with her, only to get a look from the teacher. Apparently we were loud.

"No I love country."

"Good. I've honestly never had a friend that's liked country music before. Mallory and Hayden aren't really into that stuff. Or really anything I like." She sighed. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh. Well now you do!" I lightened up the mood a bit.

"Back to your seats everybody!" Mrs. Rhett called and we rushed back so no one would get in trouble.

I guess Emma is normal and nice after all.

Chapter 3!! I hope you enjoyed it. I know I said I would introduce Daniel in this one but I decided not to. But! I did introduce Charlotte! Go follow Lottiara her books are AMAZING I love them too much I think. Please vote and comment...byeeeeeeeeee


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