-chapter 12-

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[Emma's POV]

I felt bad about just randomly leaving the group text last night, but I was just tired of talking to people. It was around 9 o'clock when I left it, and I must've fallen asleep right after that.

I trudged over to my bathroom and got ready for the day. I decided not to go in extremely early today to the music room. I would still be a little early, but the news I heard yesterday was hard.

I couldn't believe my parents were getting a divorce. John and Kelly Wood were the couple that everyone wanted to be like in their day. They were so in love, hardly ever fought, and just perfect. And now, they were splitting up.

I parked my Jeep at school and adjusted my vans long sleeve cropped shirt after it had become wrinkled from the seatbelt. The chilly air stung against my legs not covered by my jean shorts, so I rushed into school with my backpack.

I was made my way to the music wing of the school like every other morning and I heard the piano being played. It was Daniel. I knocked on the door of the practice room and his blue eyes looked over at me.

"Hey. You're later than usual." He paused his playing.

"Yeah. Rough night I guess."

"Want to talk about it?" He sounded caring.

"No it's alright." I denied him.

"Ok. So I was thinking we could do a slower song for the project." He switched the subject.

"Yeah. That sounds really good." I nodded in agreement, happy to get my mind off my dad moving.

We continued to talk about the song and make tunes and very soon the bell rang.

I headed over to where Lottie and Isa were seated and joined them. Isabella was whispering something in Charlotte's ear and I couldn't make out what it was. Lottie nodded at her and then they both turned to me.

"What?" I asked after seeing their expressions. It was a worried look.

"Is everything ok? You seemed off last night after the group chat." Isa started.

"Yeah you kind of just left." Lottie stated.

"Um." Pausing, I thought through how I would say this. I decided to just plainly speak. "My parents are getting a divorce." I looked down at the end of the sentence.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Isabella rubbed my back as Lottie talked.

"Are you moving?" They asked.

"No." I shook my head. "My dad's moving to LA but I'm staying here in Portland with my mom, so you guys still have to deal with me." I lightened up the situation.

They giggled and Mrs. Polles started class.

I think Mallory and Hayden got the hint that I wouldn't be sitting with the anymore. When I went to my locker a minute or two after class had ending, I already saw them turning the corner at the end of the hall.

In the cafeteria, I saw the round table with everyone at it. Jonah was beside Faith, while she was by Lottie. On the other side of Lottie was Zach and those two were laughing about something. Zach and Jack were next to each other with Ellie on the other end. Isabella sat next to her with Corbyn, and then Daniel. There was one empty seat, for me, between Daniel and Jonah.

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