Dinner Party

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Shinobu's POV
Our unit had decided to have a small recovery party at Tomiokas house. They obviously asked first but he didn't seem to care however all he asked was that everyone brought a side dish or a dessert.

Since today was a Friday we were to be there at 6, and it's currently 3. So I head to the school to pick up the kids and go home to get ready.

I shower and change into nicer clothes. I wore a lavender dress that went to my knees with black flats. Once Kanao and I were completely done we went back to Tomiokas.

We were the first ones to arrive so I called out Tomioka's name a few times. After hearing no reply I decided to go upstairs and call his name again. I knock on his bedroom door and continue calling him. Once again, hearing no response, I slowly opened his door and started to walk in suddenly hitting a bare chest. The impact almost knocked me off my feet, but was suddenly caught by the waist. He pulled me up back to my feet making my hands lay on his chest now.

Startled, I look up to see Tomioka with water droplets falling down his well-built chest and abdomen along with his damp long hair. For a moment I accidentally and shamelessly stared at his toned abs. My face immediately turned red causing me to look away to make eye contact with him. In a panic, I looked away from him completely. "Sorry, I was in the shower." He said. I froze for a moment as things processed in my head and suddenly I panicked and pushed him away. Thankfully, he landed on the bed instead of getting hurt. I then realized he was only in a towel that was wrapped around his waist.

"It's...it's fine! I...uh...I'll go start the dinner preparations..." I rambled waving my hands around.

"Thanks." He said and I walked out as quickly as I could.

"Oh, Kocho-san! Are you okay? Your face is so red! Are you sick?" Tanjiro asked growing concerned.

"H-huh! No! No. I'm fine! I promise." I say as calmly as possible. (I failed). Before running down the stairs.

Minutes passed and I started cutting some vegetables. The more I repeated that repetitive motion the more my thoughts wandered to him. I managed to get so lost in my own thoughts. My my, he's actually quite handsome up close...it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I- wait. Do I have a crush on Tomioka-san? The head of the unit I work at? The loner?... No, I don't. I'm just tired! Silly me! Silly Shinobu! How could I possibly even consider liking that loser? He just has a really toned body that was nice to touch and he's incredibly neat and organized...and he's sometimes smart...and has a very addictive scent and voice...and he towers over me...and is good with kids...and was good with his mouth...but me? Kochou Shinobu? Like Tomioka Giyu? What a silly thought!!...Haha... Just pretend that she's thinking really fast and is ranting in her head. During this time, I completely failed to notice he came downstairs... the fact that he was directly behind me... the fact my cutting got sloppy...and that I cut my finger badly almost getting blood everywhere. I jumped when he stopped me by grabbing both my wrist and waist turning me around. When I processed what he just did I realized how close my face was to him. Oh!...great! Tomioka is now in front of me...touching me...why?

"Hey, keep that up and you'll get blood all over the food." He said gently pulling my wrist, leading me to the bathroom without me realizing it. I suddenly push him away again in a panic. "I-I can do it myself! Thanks!" I yelled feeling myself start to sweat and my heart begin to race.

"Okay." He shrugged.

He says and starts to walk back into the kitchen. I go back in and see him cleaning up the blood on the floor. Shit..."Oh! I'm sorry Tomioka-san!...let me get that, you start the cooking."

He looked at my hand and saw I still hadn't done anything to it yet. "No, go take care of that first."

"Fine, but I'll take care of the mess I made after."

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