Flashback-Seoul Rises

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(That being said , enjoy lovelies ❤️)

It was a rainy day in Seoul, Korea when a seven-year-old boy sat outside a convenience store. Wearing a thick leather jacket and boots with jeans, the boy sat there looking glum. He stared at the rain and stuck his hand out to feel the raindrops falling onto his hand. It felt soft and wet. He wasn't sure if anyone would notice his disappearance.

"Do you want one? I have two!"

The boy whipped his head to the side to find a girl who looked even younger than him with her arm outstretched. She was holding a strawberry ice cream. She smiled showing off her missing tooth.

"Thanks"the boy responded while taking the ice cream from her hand and licking it. Odd combination. A cold day and a cold treat but kids don't care much.

"Oppa, what's your name? My name is Ji Eun, Lee Ji Eun". The girl who now was identified as Ji Eun said smiling.

"My name Is  Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook", The boy now said.

"How old are you? I'm 4!" Ji Eun bragged.

Jungkook smiled and said he was 7.

"Oppa! Give me your hand," Ji Eun asked looking at him.

Jungkook didn't want to fight with the little girl so he just gave her his free hand. The one that wasn't holding the ice cream.

Ji Eun tied a bracelet onto his hand that had a little bell on it similar to hers.

"If we ever meet again, this is how we will recognize each other!" Ji Eun said smiling while shaking her own bell bracelet.

"Alright"( 알았어, arraso )

"Jungkook ah!" a tall man wearing a suit and black shades. He was holding an umbrella over his head and a walkie talkie in his other hand. It was Se Jin ahjussi. The Jeons bodyguard.

"Ah, they found me so fast"Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

He looked at Ji Eun.

"See you next time Ji Eun ah, Oppa's got to go home now," Jungkook said.

"Bye Bye!" Ji Eun smiled while stepping into puddles and making water splash all over Se Jin ahjjushi's pants.

"Ahhhh this girl seriously!"Se Jin grumbled.

Jungkook laughed. Serves him right for ruining his day.

"Ji Eun ah, Oppa will come back here tomorrow,"

Ji Eun nodded and waved goodbye skipping back home.

"Jungkook lets go," said Se Jin ahjussi while holding the umbrella over Jungkooks head.

Jungkook entered the backseat of the car that Se Jin ahjussi was driving and looked at the window. The water droplets were falling down rapidly but gently down the windowpane and he looked as the girl continued to jump into water puddles while slowly disappearing in the distant

A/N :

I'm thinking of writing this book as a longer version with more details , what do you guys think? Drop me an emoji if you think I shoullllld nerd myself into rewriting :)

This is a new story that I recently came up with and feedback is welcomed!

IF you expected it to be a normal love story then I'm sorry. I tried to make a twist compared to the normal love stories on fanfics I read ❤️

Oppa - older brother, Ahjjushi - uncle, Arrasso - alright. The word 'ah' after calling someone's name is something like a term of endearment or to get their attention.

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