You can run but you can't hide

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A devil is always a devil even if he is wearing Gucci unless the Gucci man is Tae Hyung 


Ji Eun almost chocked on her pills when she heard that loud honk coming from in front of her house. It was 6.20 a.m but Tae Oh said he'll be here at 6.30 a.m. Did he have to come 10 minutes earlier than planned? She wasn't even wearing her socks yet. Suddenly her phone began to ring

Caller ID: Kim Tae Oh

She swiped to answer and placed it on loudspeaker mode.

"Noona where are you? Can you not hear my honk?"

He honked again

"Yah! Stop it, I'm trying to wear my socks as fast as I can. Just wait for 5 minutes and I'll be right out," 

She clicked end call as she had just finished wearing her socks. She quickly slipped her feet into her heels, grabbed her purse and phone before heading out the door.  She saw a black Porsche in front of her house. It was probably Jungkooks'. She heard that Tae Oh only had motorcycles because he didn't drive around much and if he did, he would use Jungkooks' cars. Ji Eun headed to the passenger's seat and opened it only to see a man with dark shades and a suit seated in the driver's seat. She slammed the door shut stunned. Who was this random stranger? 

Ji Eun then heard Tae Oh calling her from the back seat as he rolled down his window, 

"Noona, get in the back seat! Look at your face, you looked like you have seen a ghost. This is just Ji Woo Hyung. He is one of Hyungs bodyguards so relax," Tae Oh said and proceeded to open the back seat door so she could enter. Ji Eun got in and closed the door and they were off.

"Sorry if I startled you, everyone usually gets scared when they see me in my shades. My name is Kim Ji Woo and you are Lee Ji Eun, right?"  Ji Woo asked Ji Eun who looked like she was still startled


"May I ask how do you and Tae Oh know each other?"

"Hyung! Didn't I tell you? We both met when we were younger. Noona tried helping me find my mother but in the end, all we found was trouble," Tae Oh answered for Ji Eun 

"Noona, do you mind if we ate at the same cafe Hyung ate yesterday with Yu Mi? It's the only cafe closest to your office so you won't be late," 

"Sure, I don't mind as long as there's food," Ji Eun said chuckling 

"You work at Daebok Group I suppose?" Ji Woo asked 

"Yes. I'm the new secretary for President Jeon," 

"Secretary? He finally got one? I thought he never would," Ji Woo said while laughing. They drove for another10 minutes before reaching the cute little cafe. 

"Well, maybe I'll see you again sometime Miss Lee Ji Eun. Nice meeting you," Ji Woo said while stretching his hand towards Ji Eun for a handshake. He briefly looked at her bracelet raising his eyebrow before smiling back at her.

Ji Eun shook it and smiled before following Tae Oh out of the car. They both entered the cafe and ordered their breakfast. Ji Eun ordered a beef sandwich and an americano while Tae Oh ordered a ham sandwich and orange juice. 

"Why don't you drink coffee?" Ji Eun asked Tae Oh who was now drinking his OJ 

"Hate the taste of it. It's horribly bitter. How can you drink it?" 

"I don't drink it for the taste. I drink for the heat," Ji Eun replied and took a long sip of her americano.

"Noona, next week Hyung and I are going to Busan for a trip to his office branch there and also for a bit of rest. Would you like to come with us? I really want you to try this great place for red bean porridge," 

"I'm not sure President Jeon would let me go for just red bean porridge," she said giving Tae Oh a small smile 

"I thought about it and he actually might need you to follow him as part of your secretary training. You are the President's secretary so you would need to be familiar with his Busan branch as well not only the branch in Seoul," Tae Oh replied 

" I guess you're right. Well, I'll go only if he invites me. I wouldn't want to crash your quality time with him,"

"NOONA! You make it sound like we're in love with each other," Tae Oh said laughing

They both laughed and that was the start to a wonderful morning before a dreadful day. Ji Eun waved goodbye to Tae Oh as she entered the company at 7.30 and made her way to the lift after mumbling a couple of 'Good mornings' to the staff that was already there. She stepped into the lift and punched the number 14 and looked up. 

'Please let this day be a good one' she thought

Kim Ji Woo stared as Lee Ji Eun waved goodbye to Tae Oh and walked towards the company. She was very familiar. She had the same bracelet as Jungkook. Ji Woo might not be so young but he had a photographic memory. He can remember things better than others and he remembers that bracelet. It was so darn annoying because of that little bell. It was ringing the whole time because they kept moving about and wailing loudly begging him to let them go.

'3 down, none to go'  he smirked and put his shades back on. He picked up his phone and noticed he had no new texts. 

"Hyung, let's go. What are you smiling at? Did someone text you? A girl?" Tae Oh asked as he entered the back seat

"Yah! You are a cheeky one Kim Tae Oh. You know Hyung isn't dating anyone," Ji Woo said and clicked his phone off and placed it into his pocket before driving home

"Hyung, would you like to follow us on the trip to Busan ?"

"Hyung is busy. You have fun. Make sure to order your banana milk before you land. When will you learn to drink coffee?" 


Ji Woo drove ahead. 

It was done

His final task was done

He just needed to wait now.

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