Red Bean Porridge Past

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How can I not look behind when my past is literally pleading for me too?


"Ah, It's so cold out here!" Jungkook wiped off some of the snow that had dropped on this thick, puffed jacket and entered the stall that was close to his office. He had just visited his second branch in Busan and decided to stop to eat something before going back to Seoul.


Jungkook looked down at his phone to see the message from Tae Oh telling him that he'll be out at a friend's house.

"Why does he tell me these things? It's not like I'm his dad. Ahhh, Its freezing!"

"WELCOME!" the owner yelled out

"Annyeonghaseyeo!" Jungkook smiled and greeted her

He looked around at the small stall. It was warm in here. There were beautiful lights but not many customers which was probably due to the cold.

"What would you like?" 

"One red bean porridge and hot ginger tea juseyeo!" Jungkook said while taking off his jacket. He felt much warmer in here.

"Arraso! Wait a minute while I get your dish prepared," 

Jungkook took the opportunity to walk around the stall. He began observing the photos that were hung up on the white wall. They were all photos of quotes and a boy band called BTS.

"Who's BTS?" Jungkook whispered and walked on.

"Your food is ready!"

Jungkook went back to his table which was right in front of the counter and sat down. He smiled at the lady before digging into his porridge. It was delicious and warm that it melted all the coldness that he was feeling. 

"Here is your ginger tea, be careful it's very hot!" the lady said and smiled at him

Jungkook smiled back and sipped his tea

"Ah, that's the taste!" He looked forward and the photo frame sitting on the counter caught his eye. It was a picture of a young boy, a man and the lady that served him his meal. 

"Is that your son?"

She smiled and sat down beside Jungkook.

"That's my baby boy and my husband. Isn't he cute?"

"He is! How old is he?"

"Now he would have turned 20. I lost him when he was 5 years old. I really have no idea where he is now. My little Tae Joo. I mean Tae Oh. His father changed his name when he was just 5 years old,"

Jungkook chocked on his meal. Did he hear it right? Did she just said, Kim Tae Oh?

Tae Oh's mother is alive?

"Tae Oh is your son?"

She nodded

"I thought all of his family members died when he was born? He is an orphan!" Jungkook blurted out so harshly that it probably sounded extremely rude.

"You know my Tae Oh? Where is he? Is he safe?" the lady looked at him with tears in her eyes. 


She needed to know about her son.

Jungkook whipped out his phone and pulled up a picture of Tae Oh that he took during his 18th birthday. 

"Is this him? He told me he was an orphan! I took him in and he lives with me," Jungkook was shooked

The lady took his phone and gasped

"This is my son! This is my Tae Joo!"

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