Answer The Phone.. please!

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Everything is just so messed up right now. I just really want you to pick up. Pick up and tell me you're safe. I have way to much to lose now

"He'll be fine Mr Jeon. We'll discharge him as soon as possible!" The head doctor, Dr Kim assured Jungkook.

"Alright. A few men will be here to guard the door. Standard procedure and all," Jungkook said and walked towards the exit where Manager Park and Manager Li stood next to him, nervous.

"Jungkook," Manager Park started before Jungkook intervened, "Why is he sweating buckets?"

"The car is not trackable and we've basically lost Ji Woo. I don't know where he is," Manager Li said very very quietly, as if he wished not to be heard at all. 

Jungkook pushed his tongue into his cheek. Salary is 8K per month, many bonuses, free car and this idiot can't track a guy down? Let alone the Jeon's car? Jungkook looked at Manager Park as they stared at each other, talking but not talking.

'Is he dumb?'

'Afraid so,'

'I'm going to fire this guy,'

'Look, we still need help to find Ji Woo,'

'So we just need to track the car right?'


'Screw this fancy guy in a suit. I've got my own and he wears sweats,'

Jungkook smirked and Manager Park nodded and tossed him his keys. Jungkook walked towards his car and connected his phone to bluetooth before dialling his mystery person


"YA! Stop yelling. Guess what Tae Oh? For once, I adore you not wearing a tight suit,"

"Eww, don't be a pervert and where are you? I told you to come to the restaurant!"

"Yup Yup, on my way sweetheart,"


Jungkook smiled. Tae Oh's a hacker. The best one in the country. He stepped on his accelerator.

"Tae Oh!"

Tae Oh stood up and Jungkook sat down, out of breath. 

"Did you run here or drive here?"

"Shut up,"

"How's Noona? " He asked pouring him a drink.

Jungkook took the water and downed it before answering, "She's fine. Apparently she thinks we knew each other and my mother.." 

"It's probably the drugs talking. Don't be so hard on her,"

"Tae Joon do you want anything else before omma closes up?" Tae Oh (or Tae Joon if you will) shook his head.

Jungkook turned his head, "So, you're actual name is really Kim Tae Joon?"

"Yup! and it makes perfect sense. Keyed the name into the system and I found my birth certificate and apparently found my death certificate too. I guess I'm a ghost now,"  Tae Oh said and began to move in closer to Jungkook before Jungkook shoved him


Tae Oh laughed , "But you call me Tae Oh. It's weird, the name Tae Joon I mean. Anyway, what did you want?"

"I should ask that question. You texted me to come here before I called you,"

"Arrasso but you're not going to like it at all," Tae Oh said and took out his laptop before showing Jungkook the footage he saw. Jungkook watched silently before closing it. 

"So, the man I trusted hacked the Busan system, caused my fathers heart attack and is now missing with the Jeons' car," 

"Huh, that pretty much sums it all up nicely,"

"Track him,"


"No Einstein, tomorrow. Obviously now! I need to know the location of the car to find the bastard before we knock sense into him,"

"Hyung, do you think he would've motive? Like c'mon he's been alone with me all these times and he never once hurt me OR YOU! Why would he hurt your dad?"

Jungkook stayed silent. 

"They were donors but your mother refused the surgery. In the end, I got her to do the surgery with a help from anaesthetic of course," 

"I don't know but I think he does. Track the car now," 

"Alright fine," Tae Oh took out his other laptop. 

"Hacking Laptop" basically and began typing codes. He didn't need to hack into the Jeons' smart car because he had already connected it since he was always in that car. All he needed to do was check the location of the car. 


Jungkook looked at his phone, tilted his head in confusion and walked out of the shop to talk to someone. 

Tae Oh continued scrolling through the timestamps and roads before he found a match that was around the same time the car dropped off Mr Jeon

"Okay so he was in Busan when he dropped off Mr Jeon, where did he head to next," Tae Oh watched the road, maps, GPS until one location popped up.

"Seoul Hospital?" Tae Oh stared at the screen

"That's where.. Ji Eun Noona is. The car wasn't moving or it was dumped there or something but the final destination was to Seoul Hospital, around the time Jungkook Hyung...left," 

Jungkook came in, worried and Tae Oh meet his eyes

"The last stop was at-"

"SEOUL HOSPITAL" They both said in unison 

"Crap crap crap," Jungkook said and began dialling furiously on his phone

"How'd you know the car is there?"

"Manager Park decided to go through the hospital footage because there was a break in, two days back so he volunteered to monitor it, see if there was anything suspicious. There was, that car. Two days back and now," 

"Who are you calling?"

"Pick up Pick up PICK UP!" 

The line was dead


"Ji Eun isn't answering her phone"

Tae Oh gulped. 

This night

is a total nightmare.

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