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Jungkook punched several numbers in his cell awaiting the ringing noises that come from the opposite side of the cell. 

"President Jeon?" the voice came thundering from the other line

"Kim Ji Woo, I want you to track the location of this number and go there as soon as possible. Send me the location as well! Call the police and ambulance as back up. I think something happened to Secretary Lee," Jungkook said quickly as he ran back to his car and ignited the engine, connecting his phone to the bluetooth setting in his car. 


"Just get on it now! Send me the location, I'll be driving to the office to see if there is anything amiss," with that Jungkook cut off the cell and pressed his petrol before zooming off.



He is about 4 hours away from Seoul. He presses the breaks hard and decides to call for another form of transportation. There was no way he could make it in time

"President Jeon?" Manager Park's voice could be heard from the other line

"Se Jin ahjussi, can you get me a plane or a helicopter or something now? Secretary Kim might be in danger and there is no way I can travel to Seoul using my car!" Jungkook sounded both scared and annoyed at the same time.

"10 minutes, it'll be there in Busan. Head to the Busan office roof and the helicopter will land there,"

Jungkook violently turned his steering wheel before proceeding to his office building. It was only a 10 minute drive so he had some time.

He parked in the basement and ran towards the roof where he found his helicopter waiting for him and Manager Park was there

"In you go sir!" He said and dragged Jungkook into the helicopter as it slowly gained momentum and flew up into the clouds.

"What exactly is the problem?" He asked as soon as Jungkook had downed a glass of ice cold water.

''She was yelling for help. That was the last thing she said before the phone got disconnected. She told me she was being chased but I just thought she was being paranoid," Jungkook said regretting his every word. If she was hurt, the company was to be blamed and so would he be.

"Yes? The ambulance? How is she? WHAT? Okay, tell me which hospital she is being driven to," Manager Sejin said and cut the call.

"What?" Jungkook asked

"It was one of the bodyguards. They said she ended up crashing into a tree and is unconscious at the moment


"She's apparently being taken to Seoul Hospital. Wait here, I'll tell the pilot. Don't worry, it'll be fine," He said

Jungkook sunk back into the leather seat.

"Did Kim Ji Woo not call you? I told him to inform me about the ambulance and location. She's in Namsan right?" Jungkook said

"Namsan? No, she was found near Myeong Dong. The person who spoke to me told me Ji Woo wasn't at the scene at all," Manager Park said

Jungkook frowned. 

Why did Ji Woo lied to him?

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