It will all come back around

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If God only gives us what we can handle, I think he thought too highly of me

After the chicken-eating and soju drinking, Jungkook left leaving Ji Eun alone staring at the raindrops outside her room window. She called her mother after he left so she could come to stay with her. She wasn't mentally capable of sleeping alone in the hospital. 

Not after what she had just been through

She looked at her phone camera to see redness on her neck. The fingerprints were visible but it did look awfully red. Ji Eun grabbed her scarf and wrapped it around her neck. She didn't want her mother to worry about it. Not until she connected all the dots. 

First, she had an accident. Next, she had a dream connected to her past that involves a mysterious add on character. Thirdly, who was that man that just chocked her to death and claimed that he will come back for her? 


Ji Eun looked at the caller ID and saw it was her mum

"Omma, where are you?"

"Ji Eun ah, are you hungry? Should I buy something for you?"

"It's okay. I just ate so I'm full. Just come up omma"



Ji Eun turned on the tv that was boarded up on the wall in front of her and flipped through the channels, trying to find something interesting to watch.

'The new Kdrama, "Mystic Pop-up Bar" will star Yook Seung Jae'


'Suga of BTS had just dropped a new track under Agust-D2'


'Kim Soo Hyuk has been officially released from jail and is now celebrating his freedom. He has sworn in front of the court that he will not engage in any actions or events that could cost him his freedom again'


She stared at the screen. 

The mask.

Suddenly, the door opened 

"Ji Eun ah! Are you okay? Aigo, my poor daughter," her mother rushed in and checked on her

"Omma, I'm fine. Soo Hyuk got released today,"

Her mother turned to look at the television screen.

"Ah, I heard. Are you okay?" she looked genuinely concerned

"I'm fine. Really!"

"Okay then,"

Her mother started talking about her day and fussing over how she should sue the company because of the accident but Ji Eun was still staring at the screen.

The mask

The mask

The same mask as the guy that was just here.

He's back.

Kim Soo Hyuk is really back. 

and he isn't stopping anymore

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