Ji Eun's x Jungkooks Meeting

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To heal a wound, you have to stop touching it

" Oppa! Don't leave, please! "

Ji Eun woke up and turned to the right to switch off her alarm clock. She had the same dream again. The same dark room and sharp corners of the knife that was waved in front of her. It was that incident again. She remembered the feeling when the blood trickled down her neck and remembered the white lights of the hospital room. Her mother was holding onto her hand so tight afraid to lose her only daughter while her father was yelling into his phone most probably to the police.

She was unconscious and slipped into a coma for 2 years. By the time she awoke, it was her 6th birthday. It took a long time for her to adjust to her life again and she would constantly have nightmares that caused her to shriek so loud, it would wake up anyone who was living with her. As she grew older, the lesser it scared her.

Kim Soo Hyuk.

That was the cursed name of the person that was with her in the dark, cold room on the days of her kidnapping. She knew his name because that was the name that the news channels would speak of.

'Kim Soo Hyuk placed behind bars for allegedly kidnapping a 4-year-old child'

'Kim Soo Hyuk pleads guilty'

'Kim Soo Hyuk receives lower sentences as it was confirmed he has a psychological disorder'

Ji Eun shook her head and got dressed. She had a new interview as a secretary of the president of a new up and coming group.

"Ji Eun ah, breakfast is ready,"

"Arrasso Omma!" Ji Eun said. She changed into a white crisp blouse and a high pleated pink skirt. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and wore her golden watch. Her left hand still had the bracelet her father gave her when he was still around.

His death always made her feel guilty because he died due to a heart attack in the office. The doctors suspected it was probably because he overworked. Her father was a lawyer and he was always trying to get the court to sentence her kidnapper to life imprisonment. The appeal was denied after his death took place as no other lawyers would step up.

Ji Eun took two white pills and swallowed it while drinking a glass of water.

'Trauma pills'

That's what they called it. It was to help her nerves calm down. She has been taking it ever since her father died.

"Omma, do you think I'll get the job?" she asked while scooping up a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

"Well they said 30th times a charm," her mother said smiling.

Ji Eun hurried outside to catch the bus and sat in the back row. She was 24 now and was hoping to land this job so she could buy her mother nice things. Her mother had gone through a lot in her life. First the kidnapping of Ji Eun then the death of her father . It was natural for someone to feel in debt and guilty for these kinds of things.

The bus finally stopped a few blocks away from the company she was applying. She got down and started walking towards the company. It looked as if it had just come out of a movie. The structure was unique and it has the best facilities for the employees. She had read that the president of the company was just 27 years old. She was in pure admiration that someone so young could become so rich and successful.

As she was approaching the building, she saw many people running into the building as if they were late. Ji Eun looked at her watch, it was just 7.50 a.m. That was considered very early. She felt a sense of urgency to check her phone clock as well. She was now in full panic when the time on her phone showed 8.20 a.m.

"THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING TO ME!!"    Ji Eun yelled in her head

Her interview was in 10 minutes. She needed to rush now. There was absolutely no time to lose. She was running so fast that she didn't notice the person that was walking in front of her. She lost control and bumped into him causing something from his hand to fall. She grabbed his arm instinctively and she felt him grab her arm too. Thankfully, that prevented her from falling down.

"Can't you see where you're going!" the man half yelled.

Ji Eun looked up at him. His eyes were brown. A little hazel like. They looked awfully familiar. It took a while for her to snap out of it.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry!"( jeongmal mianhae)  Ji Eun apologized while bowing and quickly hurried to her interview.  She realised she didn't know what floor the interview was being held on so she turned to the registration desk.

"Sorry, what floor is the secretary interview?" Ji Eun asked the registration hurriedly

"The second floor," A woman behind the counter said without looking up from her computer.

"Lee Ji Eun Shi?" She asked glancing at Ji Eun's face before looking back at the computer screen.

"Ah, Yes!"

Ji Eun was given a name card and a number to wait. Ji Eun's number was 7. She was lucky she made it in time and sat down in the waiting room. Her heart was pounding.              

"Lee Ji Eun shi?" someone called

"Yes! I'm coming!" Ji Eun picked up her bag and her name card and hurried into the room.

"Hello, my name is Lee Ji Eun and I am 24 years old. I can speak four languages, Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese very fluently and I think I can be the best secretary for the president. Fighting!" Ji Eun said confidently.

"Then maybe you should practice being on time next time?" said a voice.

That voice was familiar. She had heard it before.

No, wait. That was the same voice she heard when she had bumped into a man on her way up here.

Ji Eun looked to her side.

There, leaning against the door was the same man that she had bumped into. Ji Eun stared in shock and annoyance. Why does he have to show up here?

"Good morning President Jeon, please have a seat," the panel of judges said while preparing an extra chair for him.

"Wait. The person he bumped into... no way... THAT'S THE PRESIDENT OF THIS COMPANY?"

'I'm so dead'


The word shi means Mr or Miss and it is commonly used as it is deemed polite and  respectful

'Fighting!' doesn't actually mean what it sounds like. It means to show enthusiasm and spirit.

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