President Jeon JungKook

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Nothing great comes easy, Nothing easy is great

The meeting room was so silent that if someone dropped a pin, you could hear it. That was the atmosphere in the marketing meeting room that morning. The marketing team leader was sweating buckets upon the sudden meeting organised by the president himself. The products were selling but the sales were not up to par.

" Is it hard?" President Jeon finally asked looking at each member of the marketing group dead in the eye. " I don't ask for much, all I asked was ideas on how to promote sales higher instead of making them lower, can you people even do math" He turned to look at the team leader on his right

" I want ideas and a plan on how to increase sales tomorrow at 9 am, do you understand?"  President Jeon asked firmly while staring at the team leader daring him to say no

"Yes! We will be sure to present all the ideas tomorrow!" The team leader said quickly.

President Jeon got up to leave the meeting room

"You, at the back wearing glasses, I take it you're new here but I don't like casual clothing here so don't let me see you in a hoodie again," He snapped at the newbie before leaving.

Everyone in the room bowed in respect.

"Get the board and someone please fetch me the files of the previous sales!" yelled the team leader venting out his frustration. "Just because he's the president, he can talk to me casually? IM 35!"  He finally yelled then he proceeded to look at the newbie that was wearing glasses.

"Wear a suit tomorrow, unless you want to get fired," the team leader said while sitting back down and staring at the white wall in front of him.


Jungkook looked at his phone and saw a message from Tae Oh

                                         'Finished updating security here. I'll catch the next flight back to Seoul,'

'You're in Busan, go get yourself some red bean porridge at the normal place,'

                                                                                                                                         'I'm not hungry,'

'I already paid the owner, go and eat the red bean porridge. NOW!'

                                                                                                 'ARRASO! Who forces a person to eat?!'

'Did you wear a suit?'                               

                                                                                                                                                                                 'no' (picture sent)

                                                                                                                                                                                 'no' (picture sent)

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Jungkook looked at the picture Tae Oh sent him. "YAH!" he screamed but soon realised that Tae Oh can't hear him. How dare that kid wear a hoodie to a company. This isn't school or college, this is a  business. Jungkook headed back to his office.

'President Floor'

He walked past the secretary's table but something made him stop in his tracks.

Why.... was.....everything......PINK?

There were pink flowers next to the nameplate, pink post its that was on the desk. Pink folders on the racks behind the desk, pink mouse pad, pink desktop stickers and finally candy. It looked like strawberry flavoured candy. Jungkook looked left and right before opening the lid and grabbing the candy.  The sweetness melted right in his mouth.

Jungkook suddenly felt a surge of electricity pass through his mind and his head started to hurt badly that he had to grab the desk to keep him from falling down. He felt a bunch of memories hit him at the same time.

"Why do you like strawberry?'

"Oppa, slow down!"

Jungkook shook his head violently. What just happened? Who was that girl that spoke to him? What happened to here? Why did she tell him to slow down?

Jungkook kicked the table. He was horribly frustrated that he couldn't remember a single thing.

A/N :

Sorry for that short chapter! It'll get better soon! Read on!

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