He was your blood brother

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Jungkook heard the click of the gun and he froze. He didn't dare turn around because of the fear that washed over him. He put up his hands to his ears hoping it will all be over soon then he heard the shots of many guns. He shut his eyes tightly.

"I'm coming omma. Very Very soon," He whispered. He suddenly felt a huge weight press on top of him, like a shield. Jungkook looked up, staring at Ji Woo right in the eye

"Don't Move!" He yelled as the bullets flew left and right. Some missed but some hit the bulls eye

Jungkook tried to push Ji Woo off him but Ji Woo held on covering Jungkook, he was bigger than Jungkook, but bigger doesn't always mean stronger.

After a few seconds, silence suddenly fell in the room.

Ji Woo looked at Jungkook , his eyes were smiling.

Blood, so much blood was seeping out of Ji Woo's suit. He had about 5 bullet wounds in his back, that he collapsed on the ground where Jungkook caught his head before it crashed onto the cement.

"STOP!" Park Se Jin ahjussi yelled

Jungkook saw Kim Soo Hyuk fell onto the floor, blood seeping out of him 

Ji Eun went unconscious and Ji Woo, oh god Ji Woo.

"Ji Woo Hyung!" Jungkook shook him hard , he felt like he was 5 again.


"Ready or not , here I come!" Ji Woo yelled and went hunting in the garden. After 2 minutes, he finally spotted little Jungkook behind the oak tree but he decided to play dumb

"Jungkook ah! Where are you?" 

He heard a little laugh but nothing more.

Ji Woo decided to play a prank , he suddenly fell onto the grass and didn't move.

Jungkook, who was behind the oak tree saw all this happened and started shaking him

"Hyung!" "Hyung!" Jungkook started panicking

Ji Woo lifted one of his eyelids and started laughing maniacally, "GOT YOU!" He yelled 

"Hyung! Jungkook kept yelling and shaking Ji Woo but nothing. He then put his fingers to Ji Woo's neck , searching for a pulse. There was none. 

The paramedics confirmed it

"Dead as a ghost," They said and carried his body into the back of the van.

Jungkook was still in shock as Tae Oh drove him to the hospital

"He shouldn't have died. He didn't mean to do those things to us,"

Tae Oh spoke up , "at least he left us, with a good memory of him. He saved us Hyung. He saved us all,"

Jungkook shut his eyes, tears continued falling.


They arrived at the hospital after a while

"The doctors are asking who would claim the bodies," Park Se Jin ahjussi told them

"We'll take Ji Woo Hyungs," Jungkook said 

"Kim Soo Hyuk?" Se Jin ahjussi asked

"I don't care how he goes. We all know he'll end up in hell anyways," Jungkook muttered walking past Se Jin ahjussi.

"Jungkook ah," He said and Jungkook stopped

"He left you this note. Ji Woo left this note for you, all three of you actually," He said and handed over the note to Jungkook who took it in his hands

Jungkook slowly opened it 

TO : JUNGKOOK , TAE JOON , JI EUN. the three people that I am most in debt too. Mostly, JEON JUNGKOOK

FROM : KIM JI WOO (the scumbag you all hate by now) 

If you're reading this, I'm no longer with you guys and hopefully neither is Soo Hyuk. I have alot to say but I don't have the time. Jungkook ah, you know why i hate your family but I never did hate your mother or you. Your mother , treated me like her son. She paid for my school, gave me the best clothes, but most importantly she showered me with alot of love. I knew she didn't want this. Your father, I hated him. Despised him. He took my parents away from me and then acted like the good guy, offering me a job and a place to live. At that time, I only wanted revenge and Soo Hyuk Hyung was willing to help me. Your father faced problems in his companies , it was all our doing....

Jungkook paused. He remembered when he was very young, his father told his mother one of his companies had gone bankrupt. The money was gone but they didn't know where. That was probably the only time Jungkook remembered seeing his father in distress over money.

....That car crash he had when he was hospitalised for over a month? We cut off some of the wiring just enough for a crash but not enough to kill him.

Jungkook's mind travelled back to when he was 5 and he saw his father in a coma. He wasn't waking up and he remembered seeing his mother crying every night.

I did that. So you can be mad at me. I am no saint, that I admit but the aim was only to hurt your father not anyone else. That was until Soo Hyuk Hyung had a plan involving your mother. He wanted to poison her, kill her to hurt your father more. He wanted permanent damage to your whole family. I didn't agree but he did it anyway. The poison was in the milk that she always drank at night. It happened while you were still at the hospital after the kidnapping. I don't know what your father told you but, Soo Hyuk killed your mother. The poison killed her not any bullshit blood disease. 

Jungkook was now trembling, gripping onto the paper so tight. He remembered when his mother died. They found her on the floor of her bedroom, with small amount of blood on her mouth. The doctors said it was some sort of blood disease that made her cough blood. 

I stopped then. She died Jungkook, I let her die. I killed the woman who saved me. That's when I saved you three. It was the only thing I could do. Jungkook ah, you were like a brother to me. I'm sorry. I protected you, I will always protect you. 

I'm sorry.


Please forgive me, one day. 

The letter dropped from his hands. He couldn't comprehend it all.

"Jungkook ah, theres one more thing," Se Jin ahjussi said

"Soo Hyuk. He was your biological brother. Your mother had him but not with your father. He.. always hated her for that because he was never really accepted," He said

Jungkook looked at him


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